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New Self Service Capabilities Now Available in IBM Planning Analytics Cloud

By Paulo Monte posted Tue February 09, 2021 08:55 AM


New Self Service Rename TM1 Database Now Available in IBM Planning Analytics Cloud with Workspace 2.0.63
Planning Analytics Cloud customers can now rename their TM1 databases using Planning Analytics Administration.  In other words, customers no longer need to submit a support ticket to have a TM1 Database renamed.  Please note that the ability to rename is not available in the Classic Experience.  Please reference the following blog on how to enable preview or upgrade the experience to be able to access this new functionality: 

What's New : 

New Self Service Delete TM1 Database Now Available in IBM Planning Analytics Cloud with Workspace 2.0.62
Planning Analytics Cloud customers can now delete their TM1 databases using Planning Analytics Administration.  In other words, customers no longer need to submit a support ticket to have a TM1 Database deleted.  Please note that the ability to delete is not available in the Classic Experience.  Please reference the following blog on how to enable preview or upgrade the experience to be able to access this new functionality: 

What's New :

Database Directory
While the TM1 database will no longer be running, and available for use, the database directory and its contents are retained on the data tier. You can later decide whether they should be deleted, moved, copied, or kept on the data tier.  If you keep the database directory in place, and later create a database with the same name, the existing folder structure and it's content will be used. 

New Self Service Create TM1 Database Now Available in IBM Planning Analytics Cloud with Workspace 2.0.61

Planning Analytics Cloud customers can now create their TM1 databases using Planning Analytics Administration.  In other words, customers no longer need to submit a support ticket to have a TM1 Database created.  Please note that the ability to create is not available in the Classic Experience.  Please reference the following blog on how to enable preview or upgrade the experience to be able to access this new functionality: 

What's New :

No Outage (Change)
An outage is no longer required to create or delete a TM1 database!
Isn't that fantastic!

Welcome Kit Change
The new functionality comes with a change to the content of the Welcome Kit.  The Security Mode 1 admin user name and password for each database will no longer be included in the Welcome Kit.  This change will reduce the size of the welcome kit, and eliminate the need to regenerate and distribute it after each create, rename, or delete of a TM1 database.  When a database is created, a randomly generated password is set for the Security Mode 1 admin user name.  Should you need to use the admin user, administrators can set a new password using the AssignClientPassword TI function.

What Happens in the Cloud when a TM1 Database is created?
With the changes, it's a good time to update everyone on what happens when a customer creates a database.   

Admin Access:
All users with the PA Workspace Administrator Role are given ADMIN access to the new TM1 database.   Check out the link for the details.  Of course, this can be modified to be a different set of administrators, but be careful to add an ADMIN before removing the default association.

All TM1 databases are created in the "prod" folder. 

If the folder doesn't exist, it will be created along with the "Data" and "Logs" folders, and the tm1s.cfg file.  The list of settings you should NOT change in the tm1s.cfg file is the same, and if you have any doubts, using Planning Analytics Administration is the best way to ensure you only change what you should.

If the folder does exist with valid subfolders and tm1s.cfg file, it will be leveraged under the assumption you have purposely placed them there to be used.

If you've chosen to enable Access Control Lists to control fileshare access to folders (last 2 sections in link), they will be applied.

Create may take several minutes to complete
The process may take several minutes or more especially if Access Control Lists for folders are in place.  The create process will run in the background (asynchronously) while you work on other things.  Planning Analytics Administration will continue to check in the background if it's done, and post a message to your screen that it's complete. 

Multiple create requests to create a new database are submitted by PAA immediately and asynchronously, but the processing will be done sequentially, with the 2nd request not finishing until the 1st request is completed.  In other words, if it takes x minutes for the first request to complete, the 2nd request will not start until after x minutes, and the 2nd request will take roughly x minutes too.

Special characters, character lengths and other restrictions due to the Operating System and processes
Here are some rules around the creation of the TM1 database.  These are not really new, but it's a good time to remind everyone:
The database name cannot be more than 75 characters long.
The database name cannot be blank.
The database name cannot contain only spaces.
The database name cannot begin or end with a space.
The database name cannot contain only periods '...'.
The database name cannot end with a period '.'.
The database name cannot contain only the number '0'.
The database name cannot contain the character(s): \/":|<>+=;,?*@$`'}{% and new line \n

Note: As a reminder, the TM1 database names are available publicly on the TM1Web login screen if allow lists for web services are not in place.  Clients should consider choosing a TM1 database name that is not sensitive, and\or implementing allow lists.

#Business Methodology
