BACon Comes To Chicago. The Business Analytics Conference (BACon) is PMsquare's annual signature conference and this year it comes to you! BACon returns to its in-person modality and will be popping up in cities across the United States.
Jul 14Webinar: Ask Me Anything: Cognos Analytics with Watson July
2022 Edition.
Jul 19From Senturus - Cognos Data Modules + Framework Manager=High Performance Reporting. In this on-demand webinar, learn about a real-life application that used Cognos data modules and data sets to leverage existing Framework Manager models.
Watch the replay here.
Tech CornerCognos Fix Lists. Access a comprehensive list of defect corrections for Cognos Analytics Components
Business Analytics vs. Business Intelligence: What do experts say? Many business professionals get confused between BA and BI; it’s crucial to learn the difference.
Read this article by Luigi De Fonsi for a review of the two concepts.
A new accelerator from Globetech: Visualize building locations.
This example dashboard displays location information of houses in Phuket, Thailand. This information can be displayed in the form of a heatmap with color shades to show the density of houses in each area. The display of house roofs can be classified into many types such as residence, business district, government office, etc.