If the lack of PowerPlay support has held you back from upgrading to Cognos Analytics, now is the time to make the move! With the introduction of PowerPlay 11.0.0 you can now work with all of your PowerPlay content in Cognos Analytics.

The 11.0.0 release of the PowerPlay client includes new versions of:
- PowerPlay Enterprise Server
- PowerPlay Windows client
- Transformer
The core products are effectively what they were in their 10.2.2 versions, with the following updates:
- PowerPlay Windows client and Transformer now officially support Windows 10.
- PowerPlay Studio now supports the following browsers:
- Chrome 59.0.3071.104
- Firefox 54.0
- Internet Explorer 11
- PowerPlay Enterprise Server now uses Cognos Analytics as its portal.
- All PowerPlay Windows client and Transformer documentation is now contained within the IBM online Knowledge Center.
This is an upgrade for all existing PowerPlay license holders. When you go to Passport Advantage to obtain your copy of PowerPlay or Transformer, be aware that the products are only available via download – physical media is no longer provided for these products.
And while we’re talking about upgrading, it is important to let you know that the 10.2.x versions of the PowerPlay products will reach their end of service (EOS) at the same time as IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 10.2.x – April 30, 2018. The same extended support that is available for IBM Cognos Business Intelligence is also available for IBM Cognos PowerPlay.
PowerPlay Enterprise Server will continue to be installed separately from Cognos Analytics, and in a different location. Unlike the earlier PowerPlay Enterprise Server 10.2.2 interoperability with Cognos Analytics, the only requirement to configure PowerPlay properly is to update its configuration to point to the Cognos Analytics content store. Once that is done and you have started Cognos Analytics and PowerPlay Server, in that order, you will immediately be able to access PowerPlay Studio from within the Cognos Analytics portal.
PowerPlay Studio and PowerPlay PDF report output run in separate browser tabs from the rest of Cognos Analytics.
PowerPlay will not necessarily be released at the same frequency as Cognos Analytics, but when it is, it will most often occur in conjunction with a Cognos Analytics release. IBM will ensure that the latest version of Cognos Analytics continues to interoperate properly with the latest version of the PowerPlay products. The IBM-supported software environment site will be updated to contain this information. With the initial release of PowerPlay 11.0.0, you will need to use Cognos Analytics 11.0.7.
PowerPlay Enterprise Server continues to support multi-server installations and routing rules as it did in version 10.2.2.
Aside from the updated browser support, probably the most exciting thing about the new PowerPlay Enterprise Server is its use of Cognos Analytics as its portal, allowing Cognos 10.2.x customers who use PowerPlay to more easily upgrade to Cognos Analytics.
PowerPlay Studio is now launched from the legacy application area, but all of your PowerPlay reports and report views can be executed and managed from within the Cognos Analytics portal.

When you save a PowerPlay report, it now appears in the Cognos Analytics portal with its own icon. From within the portal you can perform various actions on the report:

As before, you can run a report interactively or in the background, set parameter values, or create a report view.

Note that when you set prompt values on a PowerPlay report or report view, the 10.2.2 prompt interface appears in a separate browser tab. Although PowerPlay Studio is integrated with the new Cognos Analytics portal, it is not possible to use interactive reports as drill targets from a PowerPlay report.
You can use the Cognos Analytics scheduling feature with PowerPlay report and report views just like you can with other Cognos Analytics reports.