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Customers in Charge: Cloud and On-premises Deployment Options Fully Supported

By NICK PLOWDEN posted Thu August 04, 2016 05:32 AM

I was recently asked about the significance of IBM Cognos Analytics’ multiple deployment options. The simple answer is that we are committed to meeting customers where they are today. Customers can deploy on-premises, on the cloud, as well as on private cloud options through Pure Systems.

In the current business climate, companies are pursuing a wide range of strategies relative to cloud deployments and those strategies tend to be evolving. Some companies are opting to maintain their own infrastructure and keep deployments on-premises for the foreseeable future, while others are completely committed to full cloud deployments. The trend is more toward a gradual transition to the cloud, and we support our customers in that journey by allowing them to move piece by piece or at whatever pace fits with their strategy.

IBM Cognos Analytics customers can start on-premises, move to a hybrid cloud option or to a private cloud, or back and forth among the multiple deployment options.

The advantage of our cloud-hosted option is that we run the environment on behalf of customers, taking on the management, operations and providing a robust security model in which we handle the encryption of all data, whether the data is at rest or in transit.

In transitioning to cloud, customers are not required to move their data or their authentication source. This allows for the maintenance of specific components of the data infrastructure on-premises—in keeping with the customer’s current cloud strategy. It also ensures that the user experience will remain consistent and that user IDs and passwords can remain the same. Minimizing or eliminating potential sources of confusion during periods of transition is critical.

Customers are choosing among the various deployment options based on current comfort levels. For customers whose comfort level with the cloud is not there yet, we offer a secure and seamless transition path, along with the assurance that every option will continue to be supported at a high level.

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