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IBM Champions Spotlight: Errol Brandt

By Namitha K posted Sat May 04, 2024 07:22 AM


Meet Errol Brandt, the CEO and Founder of Knowledge Orchestrator, and a proud IBM Champion for the past two years! With a profound passion for technology and a commitment to sharing knowledge, Errol has become a prominent figure in the tech community. For Errol, IBM Planning Analytics(TM1) holds a special place in his heart. It served as the catalyst for his transition from the world of spreadsheets to the realm of multidimensional data analysis. Reflecting on his experience, Errol wishes more professionals could explore the capabilities of this transformative product.

While Errol actively engages in blogging, speaking engagements hold a special allure for him. The opportunity to interact directly with an audience allows him to gain insights into their perspectives and concerns, fostering meaningful dialogue and connection. Errol's journey towards becoming an IBM Champion originates from a pivotal moment of loss within his team. Determined to prevent others from experiencing similar knowledge gaps, he made it his mission to guide companies away from reliance on spreadsheets and towards embracing advanced technologies.

One of Errol's proudest achievements lies in assembling a dedicated team at Knowledge Orchestrator. He adds; “Founders usually get all the attention, but in reality the credit belongs to the whole team. It takes a lot of courage to put your trust in somebody else's crazy ideas and then help bring those ideas to life”. For Errol, there's no other profession that could rival his current role. Leading Knowledge Orchestrator allows him to fully immerse himself in his passion for technology and knowledge sharing. And he encourages the prospects of the program to pursue it strongly; “Firstly, let me say that I think it's wonderful that IBM recognises the power of its champion network. That's because humans learn through stories, and it's by champions like myself telling our stories to others that we build confidence in people to try new things. I would encourage anyone who feels passionate about technology to nominate themselves and share their stories”.

Meet Errol in person at the 2024 TechXchange event in Las Vegas!

Lightning round:

  •      What would be your superpower and why? Given I am always drawing diagrams on paper, I'd love the ability to project ideas directly onto a screen. I'd save a fortune on notepads.
  •       Ice cream or cake? Ice Cream with at least 12% milk fat (I used to work in an ice cream factory)
  •      Cats or dogs? Dogs. 
  •      Summer or winter? Summer
  •       Morning or evening? Morning 
  •       eBook or paper book? eBook 
  •       TV shows or movies? YouTube 
  •       A night out or a night in? Night in 
  •       Cannonball into the pool or dip a toe in first? Swimming.. meh 
  •       Go-to karaoke song? Karaoke..  meh
  • ·      Drive or fly? Fly

Connect with Errol in LinkedIn and Community page








