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IBM Champion Spotlight: Joy Paul

By Namitha K posted Tue January 09, 2024 02:26 AM



Meet Joy Paul, an experienced professional holding the position of Regional Leader in Analytics, AI, Risk & ESG at GBM. With an impressive four-year tenure as an IBM Champion, Joy has become a well-known figure in the technology community. Joy's top picks include IBM Planning Analytics, Envizi, Safer Payments and Openpages. He values their ability to model bespoke applications, intuitive design elements, and strong integration-ready capabilities.

            As far as advocacy is concerned, Joy's preference lies in speaking engagements. He finds fulfilment in sharing insights and knowledge, making a significant impact on both the public and private sectors. Joy's motivation to give back to the technology community stems from the quest for authentic information. The technology community, for him, is a reliable source for obtaining accurate and fast information.

            Joy takes pride in his recent speaking engagement at the Decarbonisation Event in Abu Dhabi. The positive reception to his articulation of Envizi and Planning Analytics for Green Register automation highlighted his success. If not in technology, Joy envisions himself as a curious globe-trotter, exploring circular economy solutions and making them accessible to all.

For those interested in the IBM Champion program, Joy emphasises the community as an essential melting pot of technology and analysts. Finding a sweet spot in any IBM technology can open doors to a valuable toolkit within the IBM Champion Community.

Joy recently delivered a session on AI Autonomy to the Banking Sector of the UAE and participated in an Omantel Roundtable conference addressing CXOs. He will be also presenting at IBM TechXchange Summit EMEA on the topic “Succeeding with ESG data: Combining IBM Envizi with the Broad IBM Technology Landscape”.



*Lightning Round:*

- *Superpower:* Servant Leadership – to proclaim truth in a manner with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience

- *Ice Cream or Cake:* Fruit 😊- But given an option Cake definitely

- *Cats or Dogs:* Both 😊 – But Dog first

- *Summer or Winter:* Summer

- *Morning or Evening:* Morning

- *eBook or Paper Book:* eBook

- *TV Shows or Movies:* TV shows

- *Night Out or Night In:* Night in

- *Pool Entry Style:* Dip a toe in first

- *Go-to Karaoke Song:* I will be terrible at this – But to sing those songs which I truly believe in my heart is priceless

- *Drive or Fly:* Drive


Joy Paul's journey as an IBM Champion is not just about technology but also about passion, advocacy, and making a meaningful impact in the community. Connect with Joy in LinkedIn and Community page.









