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Stay warm with a BI Fabric

By MATTHEW D'ANDRAIA posted Mon March 27, 2023 03:26 PM


End users are overwhelmed with reports!

The average number of BI tools in an organization in 2023 is 4. Add a CRM such as Salesforce, that bumps the total to 5 tools. We seem to forget that those vacation reports, and commission reports are somewhere as well. That’s 6. The end user is overwhelmed! A user is usually only familiar with 1 out of the 6 tools, so he/she avoids the others that the organization is paying for them to use. Problem is, there are valuable reports in every single tool that should be used to make the best possible data driven decision. IBM’s Analytics Content Hub creates a BI Fabric that puts all of these reports into a single portal that is easy to use, and allows a user to view and act on all of the data within their reach.

$1,000,000 dollars per year to find reports

End users no longer have to spend countless hours per week searching for reports in each BI tool with 6 tabs open on their browser. An IBM client indicated to me that each person in their 1,000 BI end user community spends on average 100 minutes per week searching for reports across several BI tools. Assuming an average salary of $75,000, the organization is paying over $1 million dollars per year worth of salary for their employees to browse through reports. How long does it take to find reports in Analytics Content Hub.? 5 seconds?  It depends how fast you can type. Once I find the reports, I can place them next to each other in my own dashboard, regardless of what tool they came from, and with added text I now have a story to tell with all of the relevant data in one place.

Felt like a pizza, but ordered a burger

For the first time ever, an organization now has centralized feedback for all BI tools in one place. I was in Manhattan last month, and was overwhelmed on where to eat because of so many restaurant options. I turn to commonly used Food review applications on the web to see what customers rate restaurants on a scale of 1-5 stars, and read what insight they are providing . Turns out, instead of pizza, I ended up with a burger because of a customer’s review! An end user feels the same way with BI reports. Thousands of reports are scattered across various BI tools, so where does he/she begin? In Analytics Content Hub., end users rate reports on a scale of 1-5 stars, and add their insight. End users can filter to view just 5 star rated reports. Report Authors can filter to 1 star reports, read the feedback, and tweak them to boost the rating.

I didn’t know some reports existed until now

Why do I personally believe in Analytics Content Hub.? It passes through security, which takes the burden off an IT team to configure it. I can view the reports I need to do my job, have a report of my team’s birthdays so I don’t miss them, my commission report, and much more all in one place. Analytics Content Hub.  will suggest that I view reports based on what I have viewed. I didn’t know some of the reports suggested to me even existed.  Last, but not least, the user interface looks just like those 3rd party streaming platforms that we use to watch our favorite tv series/movies (I’m 10 episodes into ‘Your Honor’, so don’t spoil it for me). 

Use cases

Analytics Content Hub is being used by clients of all industries and is relevant for anyone in an organization who interacts with reports. A large healthcare provider is saving its end users up to 4 hours per week searching for reports across 5 business intelligence tools with Analytics Content Hub. Loan officers for a particular financial institution are using Content Hub’s composite dashboard capability to have a complete view of all of the reports they need, with storyboards that are being used for internal presentations and analysis. A retail company has increased the visibility into reports from its BI tools that end users never knew existed by means of the recommendation feature. 

To bring this to life, I created a custom storyboard using my composite dashboard in Analytics Content Hub to compile multiple content assets from different business intelligence (BI) vendors in a single view. See the demonstration below. 

What’s next? 

To learn more about how Analytics Content Hub can be used in your organization today to improve access to business intelligence and self-service analytics content, personalized for every user, please take a look at our Business Analytics Enterprise demo or email me directly to find out more

You can also register to attend our webinar on April 26th where I’ll be demonstrating the value Analytics Content Hub can bring to your business.  See details here. 


