Latitude and Longitude mapping supportWe added the ability to map latitude and longitude points on to maps.
See Rick’s blog on this topic.
Label axis orientationThe orientation and positioning of the categorical x-axis labels in our visualizations have always been responsive to maximize the available real-estate and show as many values as could fit. In R9, we added the ability for the author to control the orientation. Head to the properties and select one of the options.

In this example, the Automatic setting for the current widget size was to stagger the labels. We can now select a different orientation, let’s see what it looks like as Vertical:
Full screen mode and narrow side barTo maximize the available real-estate for the dashboard canvas itself, we’ve made two enhancements:
1) Narrow navigation side bar
When in consumption mode, the side bar will now always be thin. This will provide more real-estate to the actual widgets themselves and give additional space for other or larger widgets. This falls in line with reports where the side bar has always been thin.
In the example below, my dashboard now opens with a thin side bar, even on my high resolution desktop screen.

2) Full-screen dashboards
To go a step further in maximizing the available real-estate, we’ve added the ability to hide the top and side panels completely for users of the dashboard. While in full-screen mode, the dashboard remains fully interactive, allowing the user to interact with it without any distractions of the panels. From the top right of the screen, click on the double-arrow to go full-screen.

To exit, simply hit escape or click on the button again that appears on the bottom left.