Cognos Analytics

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Administration – SSO with LTPA - WebSphere Liberty and #Cognos Analytics

By KEVIN MCFAUL posted Mon December 18, 2017 08:57 AM

Lightweight Third-Party Authentication (LTPA) with Cognos Analytics embedded Liberty profile
With Cognos Analytics Release 7+, you can configure single sign-on with Cognos Analytics using its built-in WebSphere Liberty Profile. WebSphere Liberty Profile supports many different authentication configurations and can be configured to integrate into existing WebSphere environments using Lightweight Third-Party Authentication (LTPA).

By doing this the Cognos Analytics environments can have single sign-on with other applications deployed into WebSphere Application Server.

For example, you can configure WebSphere Liberty to use an LDAP or Active Directory server for authentication, then configure Cognos Analytics to use the same LDAP or Active Directory and set the identity mapping to use REMOTE_USER.

Our documentation is here:

Cognos Analytics can be configured with, or without, a Cognos gateway.  To help understand the setup more, an brief architectural diagram is available here:

Architectural examples of using LTPA to get SSO between Cognos Analytics and applications deployed in WebSphere Application Server

