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Administration – New User Session logging in #Cognos Analytics Release 11.0.7

By KEVIN MCFAUL posted Thu September 14, 2017 08:53 AM

Logging has always been problematic for administrators as files must be edited and renamed and then services restarted.  In Cognos Analytics 11.0.7 we have introduced a new logging framework that requires no application restarts and is administered in the Cognos Analytics 11.0.7 Manage UI.

The new logging specific to a user or a session is called User Session logging is useful when diagnosing  a user specific issue.   The logging does not affect any other user on the system.  User Session logging must be enabled by a Server Administrator or System Administrator.  Go to Manage -> Configuration -> System and then select the Diagnostic logging tab. From there enable or disable user session logging which applies system wide.

Once disabled User Session logging is no longer available for any user on the system.  When enabled the user duplicating the issue enables it under their profile in the portal.

When the user selects Log my session they are presented with the User session logging screen.  On this screen, they are given a unique log identifier.  This identifier must be given to an administrator with access to the ../logs directory.

A log file is going to be created with this session identifier prepended to it.  This will happen in the logs directory on each server that has a component that the users action uses.  For example, if the session being diagnosed is for an issue running a report, then the following logs are created:



The administrator can now use these files to determine specific issues associated with a set of user actions.

Once enabled there are 3 ways to disable this for a user:

  • Disable in the browser session

  • Close the browser

  • The session will timeout after 1 hour


Also, see our documentation:

