With the release of 11.0.6 we have added additional guided journey templates, more animations, made it easier to work with the timeline and pins.
New Guided Journey TemplatesGuided journey now contains four new templates to allow users to tell their stories in more engaging ways. One of these (the highlighted one) is what we refer to as sequence allowing the user to label the stop points such as by month or quarter.
New AnimationsAlong side fade and slide we have introduced scale, zoom and pivot.
Pin EnhancementsPins are now much smarter.
When you pin an item the system will detect the fields contained in and the type of visualization. Based on this the system provides a "smart name". This smart name is searchable from the top of the pin panel.
In addition to being able to search better you are now able to filter based on time frames in the same way you can in search from the left hand navigation.

Timeline enhancementsWe have made changes to the timeline in order to make authoring easier for you. The first enhancement was much like pins where we include smart names making it much easier to determine which items you are working with. In addition to this you can also re-arrange the order of timeline items to group items together.
Change scene templateYou can now update the template while authoring if you decide that the initial one you selected is not suitable as you start to build out your story. The same capability also exists in dashboards for each tab.