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New map default styles in 11.1.3

By KASUN ATTANAPOLA posted Tue July 09, 2019 10:10 AM


Cognos maps are getting a look-and-feel makeover for 11.1.3. We have enhanced the appearance of our Out-Of-The-Box maps to better align with the design language of dashboards and reports. As such, Cognos users can now choose from 2 default maps.


Default (Dark) 


Style changes Include:

  • Removal of parkland/green areas to simplify background in choropleth (region) maps
  • Addition of airports
  • Addition of mainline rail stations and rail lines
  • Map labels more aligned with the set of supported regions and admin levels

Existing dashboards and reports where a map style was not explicitly set will now default to the updated style. Still prefer the old map style? New chart style “Blue” offers a colour palette similar to that of the old default with the new “design language” incorporated.  

