Cognos Analytics

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Render pieces of Cognos Dashboards in any web page!

By Jonah Mudse posted Mon January 29, 2024 01:49 PM


In 12.0.2 on-premise installations of IBM Cognos Analytics, dashboard users will find a new toolbar icon that looks like "< />". This action button generates the html snippet needed to embed 1 or more dashboard elements in any javascript-enabled web page. The embedded elements maintain their interactivity and cross-widget synchronization, here's an example:

Here's how it works:

  1. Find an existing dashboard or create a new one. Make sure the elements you want to embed are on the dashboard, then save the latest version.
  2. Select one or more elements, then click the "embed" toolbar option.
  3. Copy the snippet to clipboard, then paste into the external application's html.
  4. Modify the html as needed to fit the web page. Read more about it in the IBM documentation.

Important to note:

  • CORS policies are respected and may require configuration on your Cognos server to enable this capability.
  • Changes and interactions made in external applications to embedded elements do not impact the same element in the original Dashboard.

There are some known limitations for this first version:

  • The following dashboard components will not render when embedded:
    • Jupyter Notebook widgets
    • Custom vizzes
    • Custom widgets
    • Extensions
    • Nested Dashboards
    • Static widgets (shapes, text, image, media, webpage)
  • The following are the only supported authentication options (for now):
    • SSO
    • User prompted for credentials (default)
    • Anonymous access
