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Tips and tricks: Reserving dimensions in Planning Analytics Workspace

By Jenny MANNING posted Thu November 23, 2017 11:26 AM

Did you know that you can reserve a dimension in Planning Analytics Workspace to prevent other people from editing the dimension while you are working on it? When you reserve a dimension, any changes are not saved until you commit the changes (unlike when you work on an unreserved dimension, when changes are saved instantly).

Here's how you reserve a dimension.

When you have reserved a dimension, the icon changes to

When you have finished making changes to the dimension, you can either commit the changes,  or you can cancel them.

If someone else tries to edit the dimension, they will see the lock icon in the dimension editor, and in the tree, next to the dimension name.

Here's how you release the lock on a dimension. If you do this, any unsaved changes made by the person who reserved the dimension are lost.

Note: When you reserve a dimension, you can edit only the dimension members and the hierarchy, not attributes or member security.
#Planning Analytics Workspace

1 comment



Sat March 12, 2022 03:33 AM

The measurement participants may be without problems dragged from ‘Available participants’ to ‘Current Set’ and the editor could use the default insert set. If there are more than one participants in ‘Current set’ then it's far viable to choose the location of the brand new member through dragging it down the panel and pushing it at the desired position.  niat sholat tarawih