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Cognos Analytics is now Cognos Analytics with Watson

By Douglas Bonanno posted Tue October 05, 2021 07:59 AM


We are excited to announce that Cognos Analytics is officially joining the Watson family of products and is now called Cognos Analytics with Watson!


Cognos Analytics takes Business Intelligence to new places with AI

AI to support self-service BI. In our post-pandemic world, customer expectations evolve quickly, so it is not enough to only have a view of the current state of your business. Business leaders need to answer questions like; How did we get here? What do we expect will happen next? What key decisions do we need to address? Analysts need to see beyond today for the insights that will help them make more informed decisions tomorrow. The next generation of BI is fueled by AI and Machine Learning capabilities that augment the user’s ability to find insights based off complex data.


Better together with Watson suite of tools. Beyond BI.

As one of the Watson products, Cognos Analytics integrates with its suite of tools to make your increasingly complex data projects more successful. We help businesses scale beyond BI and infuse capabilities like open data connectivity, data virtualization and a suite of governed Watson AI tools to assemble sophisticated applications.

Experience the power of advanced analytics in one ecosystem for data science and business intelligence. Cognos integrates with Watson Studio, Watson Knowledge Catalog, and Jupyter Notebooks, enabling seamless collaboration between analysts and data scientists.

We are leveraging Watson Natural Language Processing to provide deeper insights in the conversation assistant. Watson Discovery is used to help guide users to better navigate the product through the learn panel, and the Watson Studio integration enables greater collaboration beyond BI.

Ultimately, we believe that with our vision to augment BI capabilities, we get to the next level of intelligence.


Committed to our roots.

It is still the same Cognos our clients know and love.

We are not moving away from the strong foundation of what Cognos has always represented: a trusted data foundation with industry leading data preparation and governance features. With Cognos, you can be confident in the integrity of your data.

The added benefit that AI brings is that existing customers can now look beyond BI to support data-driven decisions and actions when historical data and yesterday’s approaches become less reliable. They can explore multiple imagined futures by asking “what if” to continuously update their strategies for tomorrow.


Join us to hear the live announcement and ask your questions:

Cognos Analytics with Watson is now part of the Watson Family! October 5, 11:00 EST

