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Tip: Speed up your work in #Planning Analytics Workspace with navigation buttons

By CHARLIE LE posted Wed October 18, 2017 09:26 AM

Navigation buttons allow you to quickly move to new destinations from a Planning Analytics Workspace sheet. You can navigate to a different sheet in the same book, in a separate book, or to a location defined by a URL.

Creating a navigation button is extremely easy.

You can customize the look of your navigation buttons.

Or customize your navigation buttons by setting text properties.

Set a target location for your navigation button. You can link your navigation button to a different sheet in the same book, in a separate book, or to a location defined by a URL.

Voila! You now have a navigation button that you can use to navigate to your most used sheets or URLs, right from your work sheet.

Watch how navigation buttons are created:

Read more about navigation buttons in the Knowledge Center.

#Planning Analytics Workspace

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Sat March 12, 2022 02:38 AM

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