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Getting started and encrypting files in #Planning Analytics using PGP Encryption

By CHARLIE LE posted Wed July 26, 2017 09:40 AM

Do you or your organization require access to a financial and performance management software? Do you need privacy for your digital information?

Encryption is the most effective way to achieve security for your information, and you can now easily set up and access PGP encryption for IBM® Planning Analytics.

Encryption refers to the process of converting your information, or data, into ciphertext which only authorized parties may access.

PGP encryption, or Pretty Good Privacy encryption allows you to encrypt files being transferred to the cloud, as well as to encrypt files on the cloud to be transferred to an on-premise machine.

Before you can encrypt and decrypt files to the cloud and to on-premises, you must enable your Planning Analytics environment for PGP encryption.

The videos below show you how to set up your environment for PGP, how to encrypt a file locally using PGP, and how to encrypt a file on cloud using PGP for IBM® Planning Analytics.
Alternatively, you can open the full tutorial playlist in YouTube.

Also, be sure to view the product documentation in the Knowledge Center.



1 comment



Sat March 12, 2022 02:00 AM

Think of the handfuls of spreadsheet documents being emailed in the course of your closing making plans cycle or the present day price allocation. With Planning Analytics that is history. malam lailatul qadar