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Column-based visualizations in Planning Analytics Workspace

By Brian Toohey posted Sat September 29, 2018 11:12 AM

As of version 2.0.35, IBM Planning Analytics Workspace uses an optional column-based visualization model. This is a significant enhancement that eliminates the need to worry about a defined measures dimension when creating visualizations. However, you'll see this new visualization model only if your administrator enables it in versions 2.0.35, 2.0.36, and 2.0.37. When version 2.0.38 is released, the column-based visualization model will be standard. You can learn details on the column-based model here.

While the column-based model simplifies the creation of visualizations, it is a departure from the previous model and the new behavior might take some getting used to. 

Take a look at this video to learn how column-based visualizations work in Planning Analytics Workspace.

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