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Journey to Cognitive Excellence: Harness the Force of a Strong Analytics Foundation #ibmwow

By Akshata Pai posted Mon October 17, 2016 12:09 PM


Julie Severance, IBM Global Leader, Data & Analytics Strategy & Initiatives, will be leading an educational panel on cognitive excellence at IBM Insight at World of Watson 2016. Join us in Las Vegas, October 24-27 for this panel and many other exciting activities. Learn more here.

Becoming a cognitive business is a journey, not a destination.  A cognitive analytics culture is not something you can just buy or install.  Although the right technology is crucial, its true value arises when the organizational mindset changes. Many organizations have learned to embrace analytics, but embracing cognitive is another step entirely, and it’s one that may be even more challenging.  However, the possibilities are endless and the potential rewards make it worthwhile.

It’s important to understand that analytics and cognitive technologies are fundamentally different. Analytics is a ruled-based system that applies predetermined algorithms to vast amounts of data. It requires you to know what you’re looking for, and how to ask in a way the system can understand. By contrast, a cognitive system can learn, and can interact with people using natural language. That means an unprecedented flexibility and agility: you can ask the system what you want, and it can figure out new and better ways of interpreting data and reaching goals. In other words, you no longer have to tell the computer system exactly what to do.

But this cognitive flexibility also means a challenge to business operations because the organization needs to be able to respond to these changing and sometimes radically unexpected suggestions.  Moreover, people throughout your organization need to know how to leverage emerging capabilities like cognitive technology, and must understand the unique types of insights and uncertainties that a cognitive system can provide.

Plenty of research shows, organizations that excel recognize the importance of building a strong foundation that embraces all forms of data and advanced analytic capabilities.  And when you introduce cognitive capabilities into the organization, the possibilities are endless.  While analytics handles the structured data, cognitive can dive into unstructured elements such as texts, pictures, blogs, social media and more.  Taken together, cognitive and analytics can address different business needs, and can see the same data from different perspectives, bringing greater insights than either individual technology.

Come, join us at our panel session 2993: Journey to Cognitive Excellence - Harness the Force of a Strong Analytics Foundation at IBM Insight at World of Watson. Meet professionals from the aerospace, health care, industrial construction and IT industries (and co-authors of “The 5 Keys to Business Analytics Program Success”).  Be prepared to learn what it takes to achieve excellence in building a cognitive business (how to manage a changing strategy; tackle culture challenges when introducing new capabilities; align business priorities; quantify and demonstrate tangible business value; implement processes that balance agility, empowerment, and governance; evolve talent and skills; and architect a solution with future innovation in mind).   Register now at:


