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IBM Z Virtual Test Platform (ZVTP) V2.0.1 is Available!

By Shalini Mohan posted Fri February 25, 2022 12:52 PM

IBM Z Virtual Test Platform (ZVTP) V2.0.1 and the IBM Distribution for Galasa V1.0.2 are generally available starting today. ZVTP delivers test execution flow insights via a new browser-based UI so even entry level developers can easily understand the path taken by the complex transactions under test. Galasa expands its out-of-the-box capabilities to allow test teams to develop scripts that seamlessly interface with ZVTP to automate early application integration testing. 

Read more in the official announcement letter here.

Supporting Links:
IBM Z Virtual Test Platform Product page
Automating and shift-left testing z/OS hybrid applications
IBM Z Virtual Test Platform 2.0.1 delivers an enhanced web UI and the capability to accelerate automated testing with a new Galasa manager

For additional information on installation, troubleshooting and support please visit IBM Documentation.
