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Enable ACE tracing in IBM Cloud Pak for Integration

By PENG DENG posted Wed January 03, 2024 07:23 AM


Authors: Peng Deng, Hui Gao

The Instana AutoTrace WebHook is a Kubernetes and OpenShift-compatible admission controller mutating webhook. It automatically configures the Instana tracing on App Connect that run in IBM Cloud Pak for Integration.

IBM Cloud Pak for Integration is a hybrid integration platform with an automated, closed-loop approach that supports multiple styles of integration within a single and unified experience. It includes IBM MQ, IBM App Connect Enterprise (ACE), and other products.

Instana AutoTrace WebHook automatically enables tracing for ACE instances that are based on IBM App Connect server Docker image. However, manual configuration is needed to enable tracing for ACE instances that are based on a customized Docker image.


Before you enable ACE Tracing, ensure that the following requirements are met:

  • Red Hat OpenShift 4.5 or later is installed.

  • Helm 3.2 or later (some automation relies on Helm lookup function) is installed.

  • IBM App Connect Enterprise server image versions 11 and 12 or later are installed.

  • If ACE OpenTelemetry Tracing is applied, OpenTelemetry data ingestion for Instana is enabled.

For more information about configuring OpenTelemetry data ingestion for Instana, see Configuring OpenTelemetry data ingestion.

Enabling tracing automatically through Instana AutoTrace WebHook

To enable tracing through Instana AutoTrace WebHook, complete the following steps:

  1. Install Instana AutoTrace Webhook by running the following command by using your administrator privileges for your cluster:

helm install --create-namespace --namespace instana-autotrace-webhook instana-autotrace-webhook \
--repo instana-autotrace-webhook \
--set webhook.imagePullCredentials.password=<download_key> --set openshift.enabled=true \
--set autotrace.ace.enabled=true
  • Note: Replace <download_key> with a valid Instana download key.

  1. Restart the ACE pod to activate ACE Tracing.

    • For ACE versions before 12.0.8, the Instana user exit for ACE Tracing is deployed automatically into the ACE integration server instance.

    • For ACE 12.0.8 or later, the native OpenTelemetry Tracing for ACE is automatically enabled for the ACE integration server instance.

Viewing traces

After the ACE Tracing is enabled, you can view traces in the Instana UI. To check the tracing call details, complete the following steps:

  1. From the sidebar in the Instana UI, click Applications > Services. The service name includes Pod IP and integration server name of ACE. The format is <ACE_Pod_IP>-<IntegrationServer_Name>:<IntegrationServer_Name>, for example,

  2. Click a service name to view its tracing call details in the Summary tab of the service dashboard.

Enabling ACE OpenTelemetry Tracing manually

If you don't use the official ACE Docker image or tag the official ACE Docker image with a new name, Instana AutoTrace WebHook can't support ACE Tracing. So you need to enable ACE OpenTelemetry tracing manually.

Note: ACE OpenTelemetry Tracing is only applicable for App Connect Enterprise or later.

To enable ACE OpenTelemetry Tracing manually, complete the following steps:

1. Specify environment variable HOSTALIAS in an existing Integration Server custom resourse (CR) or a new Integration Server CR.

    - name: HOSTALIAS
          apiVersion: v1
          fieldPath: status.hostIP

  1. On the App Connect Dashboard UI, create a server.conf.yaml configuration or edit the server.conf.yaml file, which is used by an Integration Server instance, by adding following lines:

 3. Apply the server.conf.yaml configuration to a new or an existing Integration Server instance.

4. Check the Integration Server instance log to confirm that the ACE OpenTelemetry Tracing is enabled successfully. For example:

2023-12-06T02:42:28.484Z Enabled otel tracing in server.conf.yaml
2023-12-06 02:42:39.599408: BIP9577I: Configured OpenTelemetry 'OTLP/GRPC' exporter with attributes [ SSL=false, URL= ].

Viewing traces

After the ACE tracing is enabled, you can view traces in the Instana UI. To check the tracing call details, complete the following steps:

  1. From the sidebar in the Instana UI, click Applications > Services. The service name includes the integration server name, and the format is IBM App Connect Enterprise-<IntegrationServer_Name>, for example, IBM App Connect Enterprise-is-01-customer.

  1. Click a service name to view its tracing call details in the Summary tab of the service dashboard.

#IBM Cloud Pak for Integration (ICP4I)



Sat February 24, 2024 10:02 PM

Hi Abu,

May you can download the Instana MQ tracing user exit and build a customized docker image which include the user exit files. Then create Queue Manager instance based on this docker image.

Fri January 05, 2024 10:04 AM

Great article!

How do we enable OpenTelemetry instana tracing for IBM MQ on the cloud pak for LTS release (basically we do not want to use the autotrace webhook but we cannot at the same time use the MQ Operator as we are on LTS release, it requires v2.2 of operator which is in the CD release)