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IBM Observability by Instana Version 1.0.223 Now Available

By PATRICK BUTLER posted Tue May 10, 2022 02:00 AM

IBM is pleased to announce that a new release of IBM Observability by Instana — version 1.0.223 is available as of May 10,  2022.

This latest release delivers enhancements and additional coverage from what was delivered with version 1.0.221. It leverages prior investments in IBM middleware and brings visibility into the Observability platform. In this release, you can directly use Instana packages. For detailed instructions, see the Instructions.pdf file, which you can download from Passport Advantage

Main features now available to IBM clients in the new release:

Infrastructure Counts
Instana now supports showing how many instances of a technology are reporting to Instana over time. It's available in the Custom Dashboards with the Infrastructure & Platforms data source. In the metric selector, select Count of the number of reporting of that type in each technology group.
Sensor improvements:

Alicloud Sensor:
  • Added metrics and the build-in event for Cloud Object Storage service.
  • Added build-in event for Apsara RDS MySQL service.
Apache HTTPd Tracing:
Go Tracer: 
  • Instrumentation of go-redis.
IBM i OS Sensor:
  • Added new metrics Spinning Disk Info to show top 20 disk information from the system. Based on the OS version and Level, either basic or advanced information will be shown.
IBM MQ Sensor:
  • Changed Buffers Sent, Buffers Received, Bytes Sent, Bytes Received, Messages Sent/Received and Messages Available to average values with 2 decimals in the Channel dashboard. 
Java Trace Sensor
  • Added the ability to enable trace correlation for IBM MQ tracing. Trace correlation is not enabled by default for IBM MQ. For more information about the configuration, see Enabling trace correlation for IBM MQ.
Microsoft SQL Server Sensor:
  • Introduced a configuration option to monitor MS SQL listening on a custom port, other than the default port 1433.
Node.js Tracer:
  • Released @instana/collector@2.0.0, @instana/aws-lambda@2.0.0, @instana/aws-fargate@2.0.0, and  @instana/google-cloud-run@2.0.0. For the previous major version 1.x, only high severity security and bug fixes are released. It is recommended to switch to the current major version as soon as possible. Find the list of breaking changes here. Node v6 and v8 support has been dropped in 2.0.0.
  •  Added new instrumentation for @grpc/grpc-js library.
Other improvements:
  • Endpoints that are created from HTTP paths that start with an API version will no longer be merged into a single endpoint. The endpoint names will be derived from the next path segment. 
  • Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (TKGI):
    • Added support for TKGI 1.9 to 1.13 and TAS 2.12.
    • Added agent updates and bug fixes.
    • Released Instana Microservices Application Monitoring for VMware Tanzu tile version 1.222.0.
  • Improved the granularity of spark charts.
For additional features, improvements, and fixes made to the enterprise observability platform and automated Application Performance Monitoring solution, see the release notes at

For more Information

