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Call for Speakers for the IBM TechXchange Conference 2023 starts on April 18th!

By Marius Ciortea posted Wed April 12, 2023 09:13 AM


Greetings, TechXchange community!

I’m excited to announce that the Call for Speakers for the IBM TechXchange Conference 2023 is starting on April 18th! As a community leader, I can’t wait to see all the unique proposals that will come in from technologists like you who use IBM products and solutions.

This is an opportunity for you to share your expertise by submitting your technical session and participating in four days of knowledge sharing, professional development, and networking. The conference is centered on topics or themes around IBM products that you are already using, which can be in any technology area.

By submitting your proposal, you’ll have the opportunity to establish yourself as an expert and enhance your industry credentials. You may also qualify for a complimentary pass to the conference! You’ll get to interact with experts across various organizations, build your networks, and participate in conversations and activities that help shape the future of IBM’s products, solutions, and partners.

It is easy for you to submit through the TechXchange “Call for Speaker” tool, and you only need a short, written abstract of 500 characters or less. Be creative with your proposal by showcasing your expertise and telling us why you think people will want to join your session.

The submission process will end on May 15th, so don’t wait until the last minute! If you’re looking for feedback or ideas, consider leveraging the TechXchange community. This community is made up of passionate technologists who use IBM products and solutions. They’re an excellent resource for getting feedback on your proposal or brainstorming new ideas for your session. You can join the TechXchange community by visiting and signing up for an account.

Let’s make this year’s TechXchange Conference memorable! This is the event to attend for technologists who want to engage in an exciting exchange of ideas and leverage expertise among the brightest minds and boldest innovations. So, mark your calendar for April 18th to visit the IBM TechXchange Community site for the “Call for Speaker” submission tool. Start brainstorming your proposal now!

Looking forward to having you join us on this journey.
Marius Ciortea, IBM TechXchange Community Leader



