IBM Champions

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Welcome! Meet the IBM Champions

By Libby Ingrassia posted Sun March 01, 2020 12:00 AM

Welcome! We're so glad you're here to meet the IBM Champions.

Who are the IBM Champions?

IBM Champions are experts and thought leaders around IBM products, offerings, and technology. And they are driven to share their knowledge and expertise to help others. IBM Champions are often answering questions, creating content, running user groups and events, and helping others in the community to better understand the possibilities their investment in IBM offerings brings.

How are IBM Champions selected?

Each year, candidates for the IBM Champion program are nominated by others in the community or may self-nominate. They share all the work they've been doing for the part 12 months outside of their jobs. The IBM Champion program team selects the top contributors and welcomes them into the program.

What do IBM Champions do?

IBM Champions are selected for a 12-month cohort and may apply for renewal at the end of their IBM Champion year. While they are active IBM Champions, they receive benefits from IBM to help them be even more effective (and some other more tangible benefits). We also engage with them around high-impact projects with IBM, such as inviting them into focus groups and feedback programs, working to co-create content with them, and supporting events, to name just a few.

How can I engage with IBM Champions?

Here in the IBM Champions area of the IBM Community, you can engage with IBM Champions (just log in to the community and then scroll down to see our most active IBM Champions and connect with them), read the Champions in Action interviews that highlight their experience and ideas, get content they've created, and find events where they'll be presenting.

You can also follow the @IBMChampions account on Twitter and the #IBMChampion tag on Twitter, LinkedIn, and other sites—and we've also got the #ibm championstag here, too.

Unlike most other areas of the IBM Community, we don't have active forums here (today) — but that's because you can engage with and ask questions of the IBM Champions in the parts of the community where you're already active. There are IBM Champions in each of the areas here and you can identify them easily by the badge on their profiles.

If you have questions about the IBM Champion program or about working with IBM Champions, please comment here, get in touch with me (@Libby Ingrassia), or connect with any of the IBM Champions. Go back to the IBM Champions community.
