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Knowledge Sharers... Assemble! (I'm Recruiting Bloggers)

By Kristen Meren posted Thu September 13, 2018 12:56 PM


You know that the IBM Middleware User Community really relies on your knowledge to make the community great, right? Did you know you could make an even bigger splash here? We are looking for peer-to-peer sharing of best practices, technical tips, and personal experience with cloud products. We want you to share by writing a blog post!

What would you write about?

Challenges, a quick tip to solving an error code, lessons learned in an upgrade, or any other demos you can show in a blog post. We're hoping you can share some fresh and unique content on cloud products like WAS, MQ, DataPower, ITNM, and others.

Here is a great example of technical blog post that our members really respond to.

What's in it for you?

The altruistic part: They say when you teach something to someone else, it helps you retain the information better! We don't know who 'they' are, but we do know this is true.

The opportunistic part: Honestly, you will be able to add this to your resume, LinkedIn profile, document it to share with your employer, etc. Basically, you will be able to brag about the huge audience your blog posts will reach.


Start Blogging

If you have any questions about becoming a blogger, you can leave a comment below or email me directly at Looking forward to seeing all the great stuff your collective brains will come up with!

