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Welcome to the Achiever's Lounge

By Christina Howell posted Thu September 30, 2021 03:19 PM

Pour yourself a glass of your favorite drink and browse our fine collection of badges and ribbons. Here you can explore available achievements in the community and learn what it takes to add them to your profile. Think you can earn them all? We believe in you!


The IBM Community badge program is meant to recognize community members who contribute regularly to the success and vitality of the community and everyone within it. Badge earners contribute regularly to the community and are passionate about helping peers and IBM users improve their skills and knowledge. Badges are available to any member who actively contributes their skills and knowledge to the community.

Credly Badges

Credly IBM uses Credly's digital badging platform that allows you to collect badges over multiple topic areas and from different companies. You can collect badges issued through the Credly platform and view them on your dashboard, share on LinkedIn and other social media networks, and rack up your accomplishments in a very visible and shareable way. We are happy to announce the IBM Community badges. Below are the IBM Community badges you can earn: 

IBM Community Contributor

This badge earner is an IBM Community member who adds value to the community by contributing content or effort in one or more areas. They are passionate and knowledgeable about their chosen area. The earner demonstrates skills in their product or topic area to answer questions, share knowledge, and engage with the IBM community. The individual is committed to sharing or learning content related to and provided by IBM, IBM products, IBM Marketing and more.

Earning Criteria

To earn this badge, a community member must be a member of their IBM Community topic group for at least 6 months, and complete the following activities:

  • Start 5 discussion threads
  • Create 2 blog posts and 2 library entries such as a demo video, customer story, blog post, code sample, or smart paper to the community topic group
  • Engages with content/has engaged with content in the form of likes, follows and meaningful comments

IBM Community Influencer
The IBM Community Influencer badge earner has actively and significantly contributed to the IBM community through ongoing content and effort over multiple years. This individual has demonstrated expert skill level on their topic group and can be expected to regularly contribute technical knowledge to the community. 

Earning Criteria

To earn this badge, a community member must be a community member for a minimum of 1 year, achieve at least three of the following activities:

  • Present at least one session on IBM at a Community user group, IBM community event, or IBM event such as Think, Cloud Day, Community Day, User Group Day, Tech U
  • Create or contribute to at least 2 pieces of content—such as a demo video, customer story, blog post, code sample, smart paper to the community topic group 

  • Already earned the Community Contributor Badge

IBM Community Advocate
The IBM Community Advocate badge earner is an active and passionate member of the IBM community over multiple years. They are a technical expert who is also viewed as a thought leader. You can expect them to provide expert guidance and support both technically and for the overall community. 

To earn this badge, a community member must achieve at least one of the following activities within 2 years, plus have already earned both the Community Contributor Badge and Community Influencer Badge.

Earning Criteria

Must be an IBM Community member who has completed the following activities:

IBM Community New Citizen

This badge earner is a new IBM Community member who has participated in user community activities, showing interest and commitment to sharing expertise or learning more about a particular product or topic area. The individual demonstrates commitment to sharing or learning content related to and provided by IBM, IBM products, IBM Marketing and more.

Earning Criteria

Must be a new IBM Community member who has completed the following base activities within 30 days of joining:

  • Set up an IBM Community profile
  • Join a group
  • Create at least one discussion post

IBM Community Member of the Quarter

The IBM Community Member of the Quarter badge earner is an up-and-coming IT professional who is working with the IBM Community platform. They are a technical expert who is passionate about the platform and the community. You can expect them to change perceptions around the brand through thought leadership and technical expertise. 

To earn this badge, the nominee must accomplish the following:

  • Be nominated through the community or colleagues 

  • Earn New Citizen status for that calendar year 
  • Participate in advocacy activities to promote thought leadership and tell the story in the market

Stand-alone Stamps

Stand-alone stamps are earned for completing one specific achievement in the community. The stamps are only visible within the IBM Community; they are not shareable. Click here to check your profile and see what stamps you've earned so far. 

follow 25 friends 
upload profile pic 
starts 5 discussion threads with 5 unique replies
shared code, tutorial, video, paper 
visit the site for 30 consecutive days
@mention someone in a discussion post
presenter or panelist at community event session  
subscribed to receive emails and logged in at least 50 times in the last 365 days) 
has answered at least 10 discussion posts meaningfully
has completed one of each: published a blog, posted a discussion, replied to a discussion thread, presented at an event

Community Ribbons

A community ribbon indicates a specific role or designation within the IBM Community. The ribbon is displayed on a member's profile picture, and wherever they interact in the community, such as discussion forums. The following member types have their associated ribbons displayed:

  • IBM Champion
  • User Group Leader
  • IBM Business Partner
  • Super User
  • IBM Select

For questions about the IBM Community badge program, contact

For questions related to your Credly badge earner account and profile, as well as issues related to claiming your badge after receiving a notification, go to

NOTICE: IBM leverages the services of Credly, a 3rd party data processor authorized by IBM and located in the United States, to assist in the administration of the IBM Digital Badge program. In order to issue you an IBM Digital Badge, your personal information (name, email address, and badge earned) will be shared with Credly. You will receive an email notification from Credly with instructions for claiming the badge. Your personal information is used to issue your badge and for program reporting and operational purposes. It will be handled in a manner consistent with IBM privacy practices. The IBM Privacy Statement can be viewed here:  IBM employees can view the IBM Internal Privacy Statement here: 



Fri August 05, 2022 05:25 AM

How can I claim the badge?

Thu June 09, 2022 10:51 PM

Glad to know, now I want my stamps :)

Wed November 24, 2021 12:26 AM

Nice read. Thanks for sharing. 💖

Mon November 15, 2021 02:46 AM

Out of curiosity, has badge issuance started yet? And if so, is there any way we can track what is left for us to do to get a certain badge?