How to Deploy Datacap Web Services (wTM) in Microsoft Azure

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Mon May 16, 2022 04:39 AM

The purpose of this paper is to present the deployment of Datacap Web Services (wTM) in the Azure Cloud in response to a customer requirement. The requirement was for Datacap Web Services to be implemented in Azure in a highly available manner, which was dynamically scalable in response to workload and system demand. This paper describes the implementation in a Proof-of-Concept environment in the Microsoft Azure Cloud, using cloud-native features including:

  • Azure VM Scale Sets
    allowing horizontal scaling of the Web Servers on demand, depending on the system load
  • Azure SQL
    for hosting the Datacap databases (Admin, Engine, Fingerprint)
  • Azure Application Gateway
    for balancing traffic to Datacap Web Servers, (IIS Servers)

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How to deploy Datacap Web Services (wTM) in Microsoft Azu....pdf   450 KB   1 version
Uploaded - Mon June 27, 2022


Mon May 16, 2022 10:28 AM

Thank you Shaun for this nice article.