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IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents
Join us 23 January from 11 AM - 6 PM ET as over 30 speakers from IBM and key AI industry leaders discuss the latest AI trends.
Join us Wednesday at noon at the Red Heat Tavern restaurant in Evergreen Walk, South Windsor, CT for a New England ECM Users Group event. This will be a great opportunity to discuss topics that are current and critical, to share experiences and learn from organizations solving business...
Wed January 24, 2024 | 12:00 PM - 05:00 PM ET South Windsor CT
Write a review of your experience with IBM FileNet Content Manager , and you will receive a $25 gift card via email as our thank you when your review is published on TrustRadius platform. Help other professionals like you to pick the right solution based on real user experiences. ...
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Ronald Heerema is an Enterprise Architect for the Dutch Tax Office (DTO ), known in Dutch as B elastingdienst , overseeing the document management and archiving implementation on the content management infrastructure, which is built on IBM Content Services (FileNet). After completing a Master...
The Midwest User Group (for Business Automation) survived the pandemic lockdown by shifting to a virtual format and actually grew its base, because more people could tune in. When it returned to a live format last August at Acuity Insurance World Headquarters in Sheboygan. Wisconsin, it...
The next Automation Exposé takes us to Ireland, where we examine a project to refresh a 10-year old FileNet and Case Manager application. Our special guest is the Project Manager Phil Croome of Open Connections , an IBM Business Partner based in Bristol, England. He is joined by...
2023年4月にまとめた、IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automationに属する下記の製品のハンズオン資料をまとめました。 製品とハンズオン資料 ワークフロー(Business Automation Workflow):ハンズオン資料は こちら ルールエンジン(Operational Decision Manager):ハンズオン資料は こちら 業務モデリング(Blueworks Live):ハンズオン資料は こちら OCRプラットフォームソリューション(Datacap):ハンズオン資料は こちら ...
Late in 2021, the leaders of the North American User Groups convened to discuss common obstacles and vent their frustrations after nearly two years of pandemic lockdowns and disruptions. Many vowed to return to live Events in 2022, since they were missing the live interaction and frank...
Business Automation Workflow (BAW) supports integrating external content from an enterprise content management system in workflow automations. This article describes how to integrate BAW in CloudPak for Business Automation (CP4BA) 21.0.3 with content in FileNet Content Manager (FNCM) 5.5.5 (and...
Matt Passini had a vision: that he could return the Midwest User Group to a live version of its annual gathering in 2022. Matt assumed the role of president of the Wisconsin chapter of the Midwest User Group in late 2019 and we all know what happened next. He oversaw virtual versions of the...