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Missed IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents? On-demand viewing is available here
One of the most common questions asked by organizations who want to get the benefits of Business Automation, is “Where do I start?” That’s the topic of a special session for IBM Community Festival on Tuesday, November 16 at 9:00 AM ET. Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been...
This is the first in a series of blog posts exclusively for the IBM Communities all about the creation of IBM Watson Orchestrate, which was announced at Think today. We’ll interview the key players in the design, development and release of this important new capability for IBM Automation. I...
By lifting the burden of low-value tasks and offering people unprecedented powers to do high-value work, modern automation can make time for brilliance #Highlights-home #Highlights #ai #ArtificialIntelligence(AI) #automation #BusinessMethodology #Highlights #Highlights-home
I am very proud to announce the next AIIM-IBM Virtual Event, “It’s Time To Realize The Promise Of Automation.” Join us on Wednesday October 7, starting at 11 AM ET for a four-hour journey to Hyperautomation that includes customer presentations, demonstrations, Business Partner talks, Design...
Hey IBM Community! I am starting a new interview series to bring to the public the best ideas and the brightest minds in Automation. It’s called “Two Questions About Automation (with David Jenness).” Most of us are busier than we’ve ever been, but we still need to learn and grow and consider...