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System of Credit Unions of Brazil (Sicoob), the country’s largest credit union system, had many processes (insurance quotes, payroll loans and, customer registration) that were document- and form-intensive. The processes required a significant amount of data entry, and when there were errors,...
Deploying an end to end solution on automation cloud pak is cumbersome. Each component/feature in this cloud pak is a product in itself and there is no platform wide export/import facility to save and restore an industry solution. Each product has its own export/import functionality and APIs...
Technology in the past couple of decades has taken the world to a whole new level. Smart Cards, Smart TV, Smart Phone and even a Smart Home! All the smartness definitely adds magic to our lifes, but so does it adds to the increasing rate of crimes. All the personal data are out there in the...
#ibmautomation #UseCase #industryusecase #ibmodm Procure-To-Pay is the process of requisitioning, purchasing, receiving, paying for and accounting for goods and services. The usual steps involved in the Procure to Pay process includes the following:- Customer places a request for...
Traditionally the Procure to Pay (P2P) process begins with the requisition of goods and services and ends with the payment being issued to vendors as a part of the accounts payable process. Accounts Payable (AP) is a subprocess within the wider spectrum of the P2P which focuses on Invoice...
#CloudPakforBusinessAutomation #ibmautomation #UseCase
Like in other industries, banking industry do have many processes where human intervention is involved. Most of these processes start with document processing. In banking industry, processes which are document-driven, could be digitalized. Several banking documents are of varied file...
IBM RPA unique feature is a chatbot which can be developed in the Studio. Like a normal bot it can do various automation tasks. Its main benefit comes when we embed it into a webpage. While many would be aware of how to develop a script or would have seen the chatbot functionality in the Studio,...
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Over the period, automation has been preferred by most industries for digitalizing their processes. It not only saves time but also improves the efficiency and productivity. In today’s world, most of the industries have the processes automated to reduce the manual errors that could occur during...
#ibmautomation #UseCase #ibmcloudpakforbusinessautomation #ibmodm In this article, I would be writing about an Order Management Use case within the Telecom domain for a leading client where the process of creating a new Installation service order for a particular MDU or HOA was...