watsonx Orchestrate

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  • 1.  What is the idea behind Orchestrate Agent Skillset team?

    Posted 7 days ago


    I'm wondering if anyone can help me understand why there is Orchestrate Agent Skillset team. I could not find any information about the "Orchestrate Agent Skillset" team in the official documentation. How is it different from the regular "Team Skills" team? They look exactly the same. Why do we have a specifically named Orchestrate Agent Skillset team?

    Andrejs Pasnevs

  • 2.  RE: What is the idea behind Orchestrate Agent Skillset team?

    Posted 6 days ago
    Edited by Laurent de Clermont-Tonnerre 6 days ago

    hello Andrejs , thank you for your question.

    The Team Skill set, just like Personal skill set is going away as focused on the old legacy chat.

    The skill set your are referring to is to call skills directly into the new strategic AI orchestrator chat: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/watsonx/watson-orchestrate/current?topic=using-ai-chat

    See more on the skill set which is where you need to connect your skills to call them in that chat directly (vs through a an AI assistant which have heir own draft & live skill sets): Managing skills in the AI chat

    Ibm remove preview
    Managing skills in the AI chat
    Add apps and their skills to the AI chat to directly use the capabilities of the added apps in the chat. If you need to add orchestration to specific conversations with apps and skills, you can add purpose-built AI assistants to the chat.
    View this on Ibm >

    I hope this helps/clarify!

    Laurent de Clermont-Tonnerre
    watsonx Orchestrate Product Manager
    San Francisco

  • 3.  RE: What is the idea behind Orchestrate Agent Skillset team?

    Posted 6 days ago

    Hi Andrejs,

    I will demonstrate this in the upcoming webinar, Thursday, February 20.

    Webinar : watsonx Orchestrate AI Assistants, AI Chat, AI Agents

    This session will demonstrate how to migrate your watsonx Orchestrate skills from Legacy Chat to AI Chat and build AI Assistants using your existing skills and add AI Assistants to AI Chat. We will allow time for your questions and discussion. This is anIBM watsonx Orchestrate webinar hosted by the IBM Support team and is intended for power users, business analysts, developers, or anyone tasked with implementing AI and automation initiatives in your organization.

    Thank you,

    Enrico Monteleone
    IBM Support