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Versioning on plugin development feature - ICN

  • 1.  Versioning on plugin development feature - ICN

    Posted Tue January 30, 2024 03:37 PM
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    Hi Team,

    I've developed a plugin for ICN that implements a feature for displaying a document list based on a specific query. The plugin is developed using Dojo for the client-side.

    In this feature, I'm using the 'ecm.widget.listView.ContentList' widget to show the list of documents. The feature calls a service to retrieve the documents based on a query that I'm sending to the service.

    In this query, I'm adding the condition 'IsCurrentVersion = true' to only display the latest version of each document in the grid. However, this approach results in the 'demote version' option being greyed out for documents with multiple versions. My question is, how can I retrieve all versions of the document but display them in only one row?

    Example attached

    Your help would be much appreciated

    Eron Cohen