Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

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Unable to click

  • 1.  Unable to click

    Posted Wed June 07, 2023 12:23 PM


    The robot should click on a button in a new application window, it clicks, but then it gets the error "Error executing command at line 19: click --selector "XPath" --controlsimilarity 100 --xpath "/root/button[1]" Unable to click. this is de script

    defVar --name IFCODestino --type String --value "C:\\LaAnonima\\TxtACargar\\IFCO_Destino.txt"
    defVar --name IFCO_Origen --type String --value "C:\\LaAnonima\\TxtACargarIFCO_Origen.txt"
    defVar --name CHEP_Destino --type String --value "C:\\LaAnonima\\TextACargar\\CHEP_Destino.txt"
    defVar --name CHEP_Origen --type String --value "C:\\LaAnonima\\TxtACargar\\CHEP_Origen.txt"
    defVar --name Logon --type Window
    defVar --name CargaArchivo --type Window
    defVar --name AbrirArchivo --type Window
    defVar --name LogonWindow --type Window
    defVar --name DevengamientoWindow --type Window
    defVar --name CargaArchivo_box --type Window
    defVar --name Verificar --type Boolean
    launchWindow --executablepath "C:\\LaAnonima\\SAP_App\\AppDemoSAP.exe"
    waitWindow --title Login --id Login --safesearch  LogonWindow=value
    setValue --value avirrueta --setValueType "Automatic" --algorithm "Default" --matchcondition "Equals" --selector "XPath" --xpath "/root/edit[1]"
    setValue --value Lpa23291 --setValueType "Automatic" --algorithm "Default" --matchcondition "Equals" --selector "XPath" --xpath "/root/edit[2]"
    click --selector "IdAndName" --controlsimilarity 100 --id button1 --name Iniciar
    waitWindow --title "Carga Archivo" --safesearch  DevengamientoWindow=value Verificar=success
    attachWindow --window ${DevengamientoWindow}
    click --selector "XPath" --controlsimilarity 100 --xpath "/root/button[1]"

    Thanks for you help

    Alex Virrueta