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  • 1.  Training Space Permissions Issues

    Posted Thu February 02, 2023 07:53 AM
    Hi, when we create a new Edit User Blueworks automatically creates a Training Space automatically but default gives the user "Manage and Edit Space" permissions which allows them to also grant access to others access to their Training space. This is causing us some non-compliance issues within our organisation as the Training spaces are not managed centrally and people think they are working in 'production' but not the case when we archive content of a users training space when they leave the org/rescind their license.
    • Q1: Is there a way to stop this so that the training space is only available to that user and admins?
    • Q2: Is there an easy way to archive all training spaces for users who have also been Archived?
    Thanks in advance.

    Simon Lant

  • 2.  RE: Training Space Permissions Issues
    Best Answer

    Posted Fri February 03, 2023 06:27 AM

    Q1 - Some thoughts
    • You could change the permissions of the "Blueworks Live Training"  top space to suit your needs and then go to the users Training Space and change them to "Inherit the same list as in the parent space". Not 100% sure this would fix things but maybe do some experiments.
    • Turn off training spaces in admin/customisation. Manually create training spaces for new users with required permissions. - They would not see tutorials.
    • Ask for a second BWL account with a small number of users and use it as a training account.
    Q2 - Not an easy way but... Use the  "LibraryArtifacts" API with "spaceName" parameter to pick up their training space's ID. Use the "artifacts" api to archive the space.
    You can get a list of users that includes the archived flag with the "UserList" API or you can export it as a CSV from admin/user accounts page.

    Mark Ketteman
    Digital Business Solutions Engineer
    IBM United Kingdom Limited

  • 3.  RE: Training Space Permissions Issues

    Posted Fri February 03, 2023 01:33 PM
    Thanks Mark, we might have a think about smarter ways managing Training spaces in future. Appreciate the thoughts!

    Simon Lant

  • 4.  RE: Training Space Permissions Issues

    Posted Fri February 03, 2023 11:38 AM
    Regarding Simon's first question, there is an option to lock down "Create, move and archive spaces" to only admins. This is under the Customization tab of your admin screen. Hope that helps.

    Sunil Mathew

  • 5.  RE: Training Space Permissions Issues

    Posted Fri February 03, 2023 01:32 PM
    Thanks Sunil, we have this set already. But it appears that the routine that creates a Training Space automatically defaults that option as enabled to the user who the space is being set up for.
    We can manually unset that which is our work around for now.

    Simon Lant