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Recommendations to store FileNet CE event handler logs

  • 1.  Recommendations to store FileNet CE event handler logs

    Posted Fri July 15, 2022 10:20 AM
    Hello All - In the traditional CE, we normally create the same local file system directory on each CE node to store the configuration/properties files and logs for CE event handler/code modules. I am wondering how did you stored the same files in CP4BA in OCP.  What is your recommendation managing these files in CP4BA OCP.

    Did you created a new PVC and referred the PV path in CE code module? If so, is that dynamic storage class or static/manual storage class in OCP. Again if PVC is the recommended solution, how can you configure logs and props file for multiple event handlers, do you create sub-directories under the same PV? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    Anup Reddy Mereddy

  • 2.  RE: Recommendations to store FileNet CE event handler logs

    User Group Leader
    Posted Fri July 29, 2022 10:11 AM
    Hi Anup 

    After speaking with some of my colleagues, we think that the following link, Custom resources template structure, might provide you with the best solution/recommendations on how to proceed to store FileNet CE even handler logs. might have to do some reading but it should guide you :) 

    Let me know if this works,


    Gabriel Marte Blanco