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  • 1.  Question about compound documents

    Posted Thu December 07, 2023 04:12 PM

    Hi Guys,

    Our HR team would like to search for an id in Filenet and found all documents related to one specific hiring process. I am trying to create a compound document to include all documents related to a hiring process to address that request. So far, I have created an Document Class called employee and set that class as an Compound Document. I have created an document using the employee class and follow the instructions below to add a Child document:

    "To add a child document to a compound document:

    1. Start the New Compound Document Link wizard in the administration console:
      1. In the domain navigation pane, click the object store that contains the document.
      2. In the object store navigation pane, click Browse and click the folder that contains the document.
      3. In the details pane, click the document.
    2. On the Children tab, click Add.
    3. Complete the wizard."When I do that, I am getting the error below. Can you guys help me to find out what am I missing?
    The 'teste' object was not created.

    User response: Refresh the object and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Exception details:
    An unexpected exception occurred. Message was: com.filenet.apiimpl.core.DocumentClassDefinitionImpl incompatible with com.filenet.api.core.Document

    Rivaldo Lira
    Sr System Engineer
    Stefanini Vanguard

  • 2.  RE: Question about compound documents

    Posted Fri December 08, 2023 01:33 AM

    I just guess that in that children adding step, you need to copy an object reference of a "Document" and paste it to the input. 


  • 3.  RE: Question about compound documents

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri December 08, 2023 02:13 PM


    1. I'm confused b your description. Compound versus Standard document is a property of a document, not a document class.
    2. A compound document consists of a parent document (can be contentless) and any number of child documents with static (to a specific version) or dynamic (to released version) . Where in your description is the parent document???

    Kind regards,


    Gerold Krommer

  • 4.  RE: Question about compound documents

    Posted Fri December 08, 2023 03:13 PM

    Hi Gerold, Thank you for the answer! It is clear now. One question, is it possible to create a compound document and associate the children using the navigator or only using the admin console?

    Rivaldo Lira
    Sr System Engineer
    Stefanini Vanguard

  • 5.  RE: Question about compound documents

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon December 11, 2023 03:10 AM

    Hi Rivaldo,

    to create a compound document using the navigator you have to implement your own custom plugin.

    There is a quite old entry about this in the Ideas Portal:

    @JIE ZHANG: Are there any plans for this on the RoadMap?

    best regards

    Christoph Sünderkamp

  • 6.  RE: Question about compound documents

    Posted Mon December 11, 2023 03:30 AM


    I don't know any plan for this feature...


  • 7.  RE: Question about compound documents

    Posted Mon December 11, 2023 05:21 AM

    Thank you for the assistance, guys!

    Rivaldo Lira
    Sr System Engineer
    Stefanini Vanguard

  • 8.  RE: Question about compound documents

    Posted Mon December 11, 2023 07:50 AM

    Hi Rivaldo, 

    You can use compound documents, linked or another option OVP object value property.  A compound will connect two objects of any doc class sub types however if you use an OVP you can define constraints so that only a certain class or classes can be associated with that property and delete behavior - direction.  If you have worked with IER records that is a good example of OVP usage. Historically ICN had limited to no OVP support but in latest release notes that is a feature now available. As mentioned in this thread you could use a plugin so the user can associate objects or use workflow for automatic based on metadata or other identifying information to create the compound(s). 

    Another use of OVP's example you have ten documents for one borrower traditionally we define the metadata on each document so that repeats 10x. Let's say customer changes their last name so we then update the ten documents with that information. Using an OVP "Borrower" that object exists 1x but is associated to ten  documents. We change the OVP object address 1x we are done no need to update the ten documents. If we want to remove the borrower we delete the Borrower instance / object which in turn will delete those 10 documents. Downside of OVPs is non ECM developers are traditionally looking for a rowset/reader type function in their custom code to execute searches. If you explain do X search and when you get the results via the object property you will get a document collection that is likely far into the ECM weeds for them.  Not because it is too complicated but it's too nuanced for non ECM developers to care. 

    Jay Bowen