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  • 1.  Multiple barcodes on a page

    Posted Tue February 13, 2024 04:54 PM

    We have a page with four barcodes organized horizontally from left to right across the top of the page. We're expecting the values of GetBarCodeX to be in that sequence, but instead they're being returned in seemingly random order.

    Do we need to explicitly set something to get the system to read and return barcode values from left to right and top to bottom?

    Tom DeLuca

  • 2.  RE: Multiple barcodes on a page

    Posted Wed February 14, 2024 03:40 AM

    Hi, Tom,

    You'll probably find it is reporting the barcodes in their position from top to bottom of the page.  It will use the coordinates that it identifies for the barcode positions to do this.

    One way to handle this is to write a sorting routine to reorder the barcode values into the sequence you expect based on their relative positions.  If you have control over the barcodes, you may find it easier to orient them vertically (stacked going down the page).

    Take care,

    Robert Stegall