Skip delete will not make a copy of the document with a different ID. It will just skip deleting from your on-prem storage, so the content will be left on the old storage device although FileNet will not remember that it's there. If you're decommissioning the device completely or are okay with a follow up step to delete the folders where FileNet had legacy StorageAreas, there's no issue. If you need FileNet to actively free up storage on the old device, don't skip delete.
The Filter Expression is the where clause for the query to identify which documents to move. So That should have the ID of the Storage Area you're migrating FROM. The Storage Policy field should be the new Storage Policy to apply to the documents that meet the filter criteria.
How many documents are you really dealing with here? How many bytes? There's always a point at which physics takes over as the limiting factor. Ruth's performance tuning document will get you a lot, but if you're dealing with billions of documents and a short timeline, please reach out privately and we can talk about some more creative approaches to get you migrated quickly.
Original Message:
Sent: Thu October 31, 2024 12:30 AM
From: Lucky Setiadarma
Subject: Migrating Massive amounts of document to cloud
Thank you for your input. We are trying to limit the process to using Filenet only, but that could be an option we can consider in the future if the migration process does not proceed smoothly.
My concern with skipping deletion is that the job would try to re-query already migrated documents. I am also unsure whether Filenet will create two copies of the same documents with different IDs if we implement that configuration, which will create potential user confusion in that case.
In another note, i'd like to clarify: The "Storage Policy" field in the sweep configuration refers to where the documents will be moved TO, not where the documents are CURRENTLY stored in, right? In that case, what happens if I put in the same value in that field as the documents' current storage policy? Will that even work?
As a reference, my currently running bulk move sweep is using the following configuration:
Target class: Document (include subclasses checkbox enabled)
Filter expression: StorageArea = Object('{Insert storage area ID}')
Storage policy: Current_storage_policy
This resulted in some jobs running as expected, but some others just wont pick up any documents at all.
Lucky Setiadarma
Original Message:
Sent: Mon October 28, 2024 10:50 AM
From: Mathias Korell
Subject: Migrating Massive amounts of document to cloud
Hi Lucky,
FileNet Content Manager 5.5.9 introduced a new option to skip deleting the object from source storage area
I understand your use case is pretty well covered by this improvement:
When you perform a large content migration project to the new storage area and retire the old storage device, you might plan to manually destroy all the content in the old storage device. In this case, skipping deletion improves the overall migration performance because the deletion check and the deletion step are both skipped in the process.
Mathias Korell
Original Message:
Sent: Tue October 22, 2024 05:21 AM
From: Lucky Setiadarma
Subject: Migrating Massive amounts of document to cloud
We are currently using Filenet 5.5.8 and are in the middle of a migration activity from on-premise to cloud environment. Our filenet server contains one object store with 2 storage policies spread across 20+ storage areas. We are trying to move the documents from on-premise disk drive to AWS S3 that has been configured as an advanced storage area in Filenet.
The problem comes when we are trying to configure the correct sweep job for this activity. What kind of sweep do we need? How to configure them? While we landed on Bulk move sweep, we feel like that the configuration we used in it was not effective, making the migration process painfully slow. If anyone have any experience in migrating documents between storage areas and can help, it'll be really appreciated as this is our first experience doing this.
Lucky Setiadarma