Hello, you can also create a SQLite DB, instert the data into it and run Select distinct SQL query. Here's a simple example (not perfect, but you get the idea).
getSpecialFolder --folder "LocalApplicationData" User_Profile=value
concatTexts --text "${User_Profile}" --value "\\Temp\\RPA002.db" Path_to_DB=value
getColumns --dataTable ${Mood_Table} Columns_List=names Columns_Schema=schema
setVar --name "${Create_Table_Command}" --value "CREATE TABLE ${Temp_Table_Moods} ( "
foreach --collection "${Columns_List}" --variable "${Columns_Text}"
concatTexts --text "${Create_Table_Command}" --value "`${Columns_Text}` TEXT," Create_Table_Command=value
getStringLength --text "${Create_Table_Command}" Create_Table_Length=value
evaluate --expression "${Create_Table_Length}-1" Create_Table_Length=value
getSubString --text "${Create_Table_Command}" --start 1 --length ${Create_Table_Length} Create_Table_Command=value
concatTexts --text "${Create_Table_Command}" --value " );" Create_Table_Command=value
sqliteConnect --createNew --sql "${Create_Table_Command}" --path "${Path_to_DB}" SQLite_PathToDB=path SQLite_Connection_String=connectionString SQLite_Connection=connection SQLite_Success=success
sqlBulkInsert --dataTable ${Mood_Table} --connection ${SQLite_Connection} --tablename "${Temp_Table_Moods}" --mappings "number==" --timeout "00:20:00" SQL_Insert_Success=value
if --left "${SQL_Insert_Success}" --operator "Is_True" --negate
failTest --message "Cannot insert lines to table ${Temp_Table_Moods}."
replaceText --texttoparse "${SQL_SQLite}" --textpattern "&CQ_YEAR" --replacement "${CQ_Year}" SQL_SQLite=value
replaceText --texttoparse "${SQL_SQLite}" --textpattern "&PQ_YEAR" --replacement "${PQ_Year}" SQL_SQLite=value
replaceText --texttoparse "${SQL_SQLite}" --textpattern "&CQ_MONTHS" --replacement "${CQ_Months}" SQL_SQLite=value
replaceText --texttoparse "${SQL_SQLite}" --textpattern "&PQ_MONTHS" --replacement "${PQ_Months}" SQL_SQLite=value
sqlExecuteReader --connection ${SQLite_Connection} --statement "${SQL_SQLite}" --timeout "00:05:00" SQL_Output_Table=value SQL_Number_Rows=rows SQL_Number_Columns=columns
sqlDisconnect --connection ${SQLite_Connection}
Milan Babčanec
Original Message:
Sent: Wed January 29, 2025 11:41 PM
From: Anas lateh
Subject: How to Remove Duplicate Rows in Data Table
Hello everyone,
I am working with a Data Table in IBM RPA and I need to remove duplicate rows. I would like to know the best way to achieve this. Should I use a built-in command, script, or is there a recommended approach?
For example, I have this data:
ID |
Name |
Age |
1 |
John |
25 |
2 |
Alice |
30 |
1 |
John |
25 |
3 |
Bob |
28 |
And I want to remove the duplicate row so that my final output is:
ID |
Name |
Age |
1 |
John |
25 |
2 |
Alice |
30 |
3 |
Bob |
28 |
What is the best way to achieve this in IBM RPA?
Thank you for your help!
Anas lateh