Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

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  • 1.  Differentiate whether an execution is attended or unattended inside a bot

    Posted Fri May 26, 2023 04:44 AM

    Hi All,

    I'm developing a bot to perform a weekly process, which consists of downloading a report by store. This would be to run unattended.
    At the same time I want the bot to have the option to allow users to choose the stores they want to get the reports from in an attended way.

    It is not viable to generate the reports for all the stores if they only need 2 or 3 for example, as it would take too long, this is why right now we have two bot (one for unattended and one attended execution). So does anyone know if it is possible to unify them with a conditional statement?


    Yon García Nistal
    Skechers Iberia

  • 2.  RE: Differentiate whether an execution is attended or unattended inside a bot

    Posted Fri May 26, 2023 09:56 AM
    Edited by Angelo Alves Fri May 26, 2023 09:55 AM
    Hi Yon,
    Today we have the Bot feature, which meets your need.
    You can run an unattended bot via Control Center, and the input parameters of your script are requested automatically for the user. Then the user can enter the store number and in your script, you do a treatment, if the store number is empty(weekly execution) it generates the report for all stores, otherwise only the store entered.
    Running bots

    And you can create a new Role to add to the user for him to have access only to run the bot
    hope it helps you

    Angelo Alves
    IBM RPA Technical Specialist

  • 3.  RE: Differentiate whether an execution is attended or unattended inside a bot

    Posted Tue May 30, 2023 07:29 AM

    Hi Angelo,

    Thanks for your response.

    I've tried this way, but when I run the bot nothing occurs and looking at Jobs it is in status Waiting.
    If I manage to solve this we will do it this way, although I think it is more friendly for my colleagues to use the Launcher (keep in mind that we are a finance team, not IT).

    Thank you,

    Yon García Nistal
    Skechers Iberia

  • 4.  RE: Differentiate whether an execution is attended or unattended inside a bot

    Posted Tue May 30, 2023 10:06 AM
    Edited by Angelo Alves Tue May 30, 2023 10:08 AM
    About getting the "Waiting" status, you have to enter the computer's configuration in the control center and set the "Queues runtime percentage" field to 100%.
     Optional: In the Queues runtime percentage field, enter the percentage of runtimes that the computer can run to process workload from features that use message queues. Common features that need a value different than zero set to this field are orchestration processes. The default value is 0%.
    When using Launcher, there is one more step, which is to install the product on all user machines, or on a VM that the team accesses to run the bot.
    In case you want to use the launcher, we can add the treatment below
    • At the beginning of the script, place a messageBox, with a ten-second timeOut.
      • If it is the user who starts the bot, he clicks Ok and will be asked for the store number
      • Otherwise, the variable will be empty and you understand that it will be necessary to process all the stores.
    I'm sending the script with this validation to add at the beginning of your script.
    defVar --name exit --type Numeric
    defVar --name out --type String
    defVar --name erro --type String
    defVar --name store --type String
    runWindowsScript --scripttype "VBScript" --source "Text" --script "Set objShell = CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\")\r\n\r\nintResult = objShell.Popup(\"Click ok to inform the store.\", 10, \"IBM RPA\", 0 + 64)\r\n\r\n\' Result\r\nIf intResult = 1 Then\r\n    WScript.Echo \"Ok\"\r\nEnd If\r\n" --blockexecution  exit=exitcode out=output erro=error
    if --left "${out}" --operator "Contains" --right ok
    	inputBox --title "IBM RPA" --prompt "Inform the store number" store=value
    	logMessage --message "Launcher: Store [${store}]" --type "Info"
    	logMessage --message Scheduler --type "Info"

    I await your return.

    Angelo Alves
    IBM RPA Technical Specialist

  • 5.  RE: Differentiate whether an execution is attended or unattended inside a bot

    Posted Tue June 13, 2023 03:25 AM


    I'm 100% convinced that the launcher option is the best option for us. Thanks for the code for the beginning of the script.

    I have another question: is it possible to stop a launcher run?


    Yon García Nistal
    Skechers Iberia