Content Management and Capture

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  • 1.  Datacap webservices

    Posted Sun December 13, 2020 08:06 AM

    Hi all,

    I have a requirement where the client wants to run OCR on documents and get back the captured data using wTM webservices. Basically they want a webservice end point where they can send the document and get the OCR results back as a response.

    Can anyone provide some guidance on how to develop such a solution


  • 2.  RE: Datacap webservices

    Posted Fri June 11, 2021 01:16 PM


    Could you find the solution for this requirement?




  • 3.  RE: Datacap webservices

    Posted Mon May 16, 2022 02:36 PM

    We have a solution for this requirement. Please let me know if you are interested.


  • 4.  RE: Datacap webservices

    Posted Wed January 08, 2025 09:50 AM

    Please let me know  if been able to extract OCR data using Web Services

    Savita Bangera

  • 5.  RE: Datacap webservices

    Posted Thu January 09, 2025 04:34 AM

    Hi Savita / Zoltán,

    I missed the original question in the Community. We have a solution in Production which uses the wTM API to OCR documents and surface the data.

    This page provides details of the API:

    It's possible to work with batches of documents in the 'traditional' sense, but it's also possible to submit individual transactions and get the results back. Which method you use will depend very much on your use-case.

    If using transactions, you need to:

    1. Log in to the application (use SessionLogon)
    2. Start a transaction (use TransactionStart)
    3. Upload your image and XML (use TransactionSetFile)
    4. Carry out the processing (use TransactionExecute)
    5. Get the results (use TransactionGetFile)
    6. End the transaction (use TransactionEnd)
    7. Log out of the application

    Hope this helps!


    Shaun McDowall