Hi Guys,
I am new to Deaja api. I want to add dynamic annotations programmatically in the viewer using java script api. I understood that need to create plugin for the same. I have tried below code in plug-in js file.
function(declare, lang) {
ViewONE.addAnnotation("[TEXT]<P>X=300<P>Y=350<P>TEXT = This is line 1<N>This is line 2<P>FONTHEIGHT = 34<P>PAGE=1<P>EDIT = 1<P>FILLCOLOR = 255, 255, 0<P>ROTATION = 0<P>TEXTROTATION = 90<P>TRANSPARENT = 0<P>SEMITRANSPARENT = 0<P>");
Getting the following error "ViewONE is not defined". I have searched in navigator web application for the ViewONE js file. But could not find. Please let me know if the above approach correct?
Please let me know the sequence of steps to achieve this requirement. It would be nice if you can provide some sample code.