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Consolidating User Training Spaces in Blueworks Live

  • 1.  Consolidating User Training Spaces in Blueworks Live

    Posted Mon November 11, 2024 12:08 PM

    the Blueworks Live landing page for our company is getting very cluttered with all of the spaces we have. One way to clean up the main page would be to consolidate all of the user training spaces under a new space called Blueworks Live User Training Spaces. I am not able to move the training spaces into this new space directly. Is there another way other than copying them there that this can be done? If I have to copy them, will the impacted users still be able to access their training space under this new space without any issues? Please let me know. 

    Robert Young

  • 2.  RE: Consolidating User Training Spaces in Blueworks Live

    Posted Tue November 12, 2024 05:37 AM
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    Hi Robert, it looks like you are defaulting to the "All Spaces" view which is just a flat list of everything and I agree gets messy really quickly.

    In our Org we recommend people switch to the Hierarchy view which shows a nested structure, so all the personal Training spaces are grouped in a 'Blueworks Live Training' folder etc... You can set this view as the user default so they land here when they next log in.

    You can also do the same with defaulting the Following Spaces view, this allows users to only see a curated view of things they are working/have worked on.

    The default toggle is top left under the logo (little grey square, has a tick in it when you are viewing your default page). The 3 icons for all spaces, hierarchy and following are mid screen on the toolbar. I haven't found a way to set the default for all users globally, we just include it in our familiarisation training content.

    Note, if the Training space is the main bugbear and isn't completely useful you can toggle the Training function off in your Admin settings. I understand that any spaces created to date are retained but new ones are not automatically created when you add a new Edit user. You can then just create an open "Training" area as a general dumping ground if you wish.

    Hope this helps?

    Simon Lant