Hi Vinicius,
thank you for your reply.
I succeeded to install the software suite in the end. After removing again every folder related to IBM Robotic Automation under "C:\Program FIles", "C:\Programdata", "%localappdata%", "%appdata%" folders (as I however did before with no luck), I cleaned up really really every entry under Windows registry and after a new install everything went fine.
Thank you very much anyway!
Roberto Innocenti
Original Message:
Sent: Sun October 29, 2023 01:58 PM
From: Vinicius Marques
Subject: Blocking error while opening RPA Studio
Hi Roberto, could you try validating the installation? This documentation page might be helpful to you: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/rpa/23.0?topic=client-validating-installation
I haven't encountered this issue, but understanding if the license is active and the service is running correctly should give us a starting point.
Vinicius Marques
Original Message:
Sent: Mon October 23, 2023 04:48 AM
From: Roberto Innocenti
Subject: Blocking error while opening RPA Studio
Hi to everyone,
I'm not able to open IBM RPA Studio anymore after a crash of the application.
The error I encounter everytime to start it is the following:

Translated it means "Cannot initialize configuration system".
I tried to uninstall and reinstall the RPA Studio several times, removing the related "C:\Program Files", "C:\Programdata" and temporary folders, I tried to attempt some sort of registry cleanup, but with no success.
Do you have some tips, advice or whatever? Or maybe an installation cleanup utility?
The RPA Studio version is
Thank you really much.
Roberto Innocenti