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Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

K Mohan

K MohanThu August 03, 2023 11:20 AM

  • 1.  Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Mon July 31, 2023 11:17 AM


    We have carried out an upgrade from Datacap 8.1 to Datacap 9.1.9 iFix03. The customer is in UAT and has noticed that batch processing takes significantly longer in the new system compared to the old.

    The upgrade did not make any major code or logic changes, merely replaced deprecated actions with the latest ones. However, both batch profiler and Find Details which is invoked from the Verify Panel take orders of magnitude longer under Datacap 9.1.9 than they used to. 

    For example, if I click Find Details in 8.1, it takes 15 seconds to execute against a test document. The same code, logic and document in 9.1.9 takes 1 minute and 30 seconds to execute.

    I have been through the RRS log files and can find no obvious bottlenecks, just that the actions take longer to execute in 9.1.9. I have also compared the Registry settings for Rulerunner etc, but they are identical.

    Has anyone else noticed this, and how did you overcome it? Alternatively, any suggestions are very welcome.

    Many thanks,


    Shaun McDowall

  • 2.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Tue August 01, 2023 12:27 AM

    Did you checked the RRS log level for Find Details in verify panel?

    Varun Gupta

  • 3.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Tue August 01, 2023 01:27 AM

    Hi Varun,

    Yes - I've checked the Find Details RRS Logs. There's nothing obvious in them, except the fact that in DC9.1.9 the actions take longer to execute. 

    For example:

    In DC 8.1, AllowOnlyChars action executes in 0 milliseconds:

    16:57:34.629 0       func "Allow Characters Function"
    16:57:34.629 0          action AllowOnlyChars ("0123456789,.-()")
    16:57:34.629 1  hr_locale = en-US
    16:57:34.629 1  rrunner: Changed RRS Locale from '2057 (en-GB)' ' to '1033 (en-US)' English (United States)
    16:57:34.629 1  Dynamic Locale: locale set to: 'en-US'
    16:57:34.629 1  Invoice - AllowOnlyChars
    16:57:34.629 1  start value:''
    16:57:34.629 1  Remove Pattern:'[^0123456789\,\.\-\(\)]+', Character Start Index:'1', Replace Removed pattern with:'', Number of matches:'0'.
    16:57:34.629 1  End value:''
    16:57:34.629 1  Removed all characters NOT included in '0123456789\,\.\-\(\)'.
    16:57:34.629 0

    In DC919, the equivalent action takes 63 milliseconds:

    17:03:39.527       func "Allow Characters Function"
    17:03:39.527          calling action AllowOnlyCharacters ("@F","0123456789.-()") on F:Shipping
    17:03:39.527  hr_locale = en-GB
    17:03:39.578 C:\Program Files (x86)\Datacap\dcshared\NET\ValidationsAndTextAdjustments.dll. AssemblyVersion: AssemblyFileVersion: 64Bit: False
    17:03:39.590 DCSmart Metaword sArgument: 0123456789.-()
    17:03:39.590 Smart return: ''
    17:03:39.590 start value:''
    17:03:39.590 Remove Pattern:'[^0123456789\.\-\(\)]+'
    17:03:39.590 CurrentDCO Object ID: Shipping
    17:03:39.590 Calling Object ID: Shipping
    17:03:39.590 Eval Node '@F'
    17:03:39.590 DCONav returning node having ID of:'Shipping'
    17:03:39.590 No match found: DeletePattern '[^0123456789\.\-\(\)]+'
    InsertString ''
    StartIndex '0'
    MaxMatches '0'
    Start Value:''
    Searching Value:''
    found 0 matches.
    17:03:39.590 End value:''
    17:03:39.590 Removed all characters NOT included in '0123456789\.\-\(\)'.
    17:03:39.590             action returned true

    In DC919, there seems to be a delay between loading the ValidationsAndTextAdjustments.dll and actually using it. 

    Many thanks,


    Shaun McDowall

  • 4.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Tue August 01, 2023 12:28 PM

    Instead of ValidationsAndTextAdjustments use Validations action library. 

    I don't need to go over the different in 8.1 vs 9.19.  There's the db migration and the verify DDK panel you need to update.
    Also it's in miliseconds.  Are we talking about the same image here.

    One is s Great Britain vs US for local.  

    hr_locale = en-GB

    Blue Devil

  • 5.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Tue August 01, 2023 12:39 PM

    Hi @Blue Devil,

    Thanks for your very valid suggestions.

    1. We saw that Validations had been deprecated so we migrated all of those actions to ValidationsAndTextAdjustments:
    2. All databases from 8.1 have been migrated and updated to the latest schemas (SQL Server).
    3. The DDK panel has also been updated.
    4. It's the same image being processed in both environments.
    5. Would the Locale affect performance?

    Shaun McDowall

  • 6.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Tue August 01, 2023 04:36 PM

    The 32 bit still can be used.  I don't know if locale will affect this but try matching them up.   Unless you are on Datacap 9.19 fix3 than no need to worry about the 32 vs 64 bit cause that's all been fixed in ifix 3. 

    I hate to say this but these are in milliseconds.   Are the rule on a share UCN over the WAN?  Same image and same batch size where you see increases?
    System resources and horse power could make a different. 

    Blue Devil

  • 7.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Tue August 01, 2023 07:12 PM

    Hi Blue Devil, 

    Thank-you. I will try setting the locale correctly tomorrow and revert to the deprecated actions to see if that makes a difference. I'll post an update here.

    I realise that the timings are in milliseconds, and provided them just to illustrate my issie.. For the entire Task Profile to execute in DC9.1.9 it takes 90 seconds. The same document and Task Profile in DC8.1 takes just 15 seconds. In both cases, Datacap is installed a sandbox machine and all rules are run locally - no network or infrastructure to worry about. Both machines are in the same shared infrastructure.

    Many thanks for your input


    Shaun McDowall

  • 8.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Tue August 01, 2023 06:25 AM
    Edited by Shaun McDowall Tue August 01, 2023 07:02 AM

    Hi Varun,

    I just realised that you asked about the Log Level, not the Logs! Yes, the Log Levels are the same between the two versions.

    One thing I noticed is that DC8.1 has script_reload = false, where DC9.1.9 has script_reload=true. I'm clutching at straws but does anyone know what it does and how I can set that to false in DC9.1.9?

    Shaun McDowall

  • 9.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Tue August 01, 2023 03:14 PM

    I have a suggestion.

    Please use the action from the deprecated library in 9.1.9 and check the performance. This will eliminate the possibility of slowness due to the new DLL.

    Varun Gupta

  • 10.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Tue August 01, 2023 03:45 PM

    Thanks Varun,

    I shall try this tomorrow and update here.


    Shaun McDowall

  • 11.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Wed August 02, 2023 06:23 AM

    Hi Varun / Blue Devil,

    I replaced all of the newer actions in my Find Details ruleset with the old deprecated ones in Datacap 9.1.9 iFix03.

    The Find Details ruleset in both versions is now identical. The locale has now been fixed also.

    Here are the statistics:

    Datacap 8.1: Find Details takes 15 seconds.

    Datacap 9.1.9 with new actions: Find Details takes 90 seconds.

    Datacap 9.1.9 with deprecated actions: Find Details takes 60 seconds.

    My conclusion is that the deprecated actions are a little faster than their replacements but even using them, Datacap 9.1.9 still takes 4 times longer to execute the same ruleset and logic as Datacap 8.1.

    Both servers are identical in terms of their CPU and RAM specification (4 vCPU, 8Gb RAM) and I tested using the same document.

    I don't understand why the performance in the latest version should be so much worse than in Datacap 8.1. What else do you think I should be checking?

    I do have one other question:

    I noticed in the RRS Log Files that when running with the new 64-bit actions, I often see lines similar to this:

    16:26:20.485 C:\Datacap\dcshared\NET\RuleRunnerLogic.dll. AssemblyVersion: AssemblyFileVersion: 64Bit: False

    If running the 64-bit action, shouldn't 64Bit be True?

    Many thanks,


    Shaun McDowall

  • 12.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Wed August 02, 2023 12:09 PM
    Edited by Varun Gupta Wed August 02, 2023 12:09 PM

    Hi Shaun,

    I am not sure about the 64 and 32 bit actions as I have never used 64 bit action.

    Would you be able to share the complete RRS logs from 8.1 and 9.1.9?

    Varun Gupta

  • 13.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Wed August 02, 2023 12:37 PM

    Hi Varun,

    Yes - I've uploaded both RRS Log files below.

    Many thanks for your help.


    Shaun McDowall


    919_find details_rrs.log   1.43 MB 1 version
    8.1_find details_rrs.log   1.43 MB 1 version

  • 14.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Wed August 02, 2023 01:42 PM
      |   view attached

    Uploading the RRS file from 919 with the deprecated actions.

    Shaun McDowall


  • 15.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Wed August 02, 2023 02:35 PM

    Hi Shaun,

    Try the below steps:

    1. Change localhost to server IP or the actual directory path and observe performance
      1. In 8.1 you have C:\Datacap\TAC\batches
      2. In 9.1.9 you have \\localhost\Datacap\TAC\batches
    2. Turn off the Flush buffer under verify task settings

    Varun Gupta

  • 16.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Thu August 03, 2023 08:21 AM

    Thanks Varun,

    I've made the changes you suggested in DC 9.1.9 ifix03 with the legacy actions and reduced the execution time from 90 seconds to 53 seconds. It's an improvement, but still doesn't come close to the 15 seconds performance time that we see in DC 8.1.

    Are there any other changes that you can think of?

    Many thanks for your help so far.


    Shaun McDowall

  • 17.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Thu August 03, 2023 11:12 AM

    Hi Shaun,

    Please share the latest log file from 9.1.9 environment

    Varun Gupta

  • 18.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Thu August 03, 2023 11:28 AM
      |   view attached

    Hi Varun,

    Many thanks - log file attached.

    Kind regards,


    Shaun McDowall


  • 19.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Thu August 03, 2023 11:43 AM
    Edited by K Mohan Thu September 07, 2023 04:20 PM

    Hello team,

    (Sorry about posting in this thread). Will try to post separately, please ignore)
    We recently upgraded to 9.1.9 and seeing similar issues.

  • 20.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Thu August 03, 2023 11:20 AM
    Edited by K Mohan Mon October 23, 2023 10:11 AM


  • 21.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Thu August 03, 2023 11:55 AM

    Hi K Mohan,

    This seems like a bug - I also tried setting the Rulerunner Service Log to 1 as the tool tip says that should disable logging, but that setting is ignored and log files are still created:

    Logs are not generally required for Find Details, so if there was a way of turning those off, performance might improve.

    Shaun McDowall

  • 22.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Thu August 03, 2023 12:38 PM

    Hi Shaun,

    DcDesktop logging cannot be turned off completely even after setting Writelog = False in the dcdesktop.exe.config. 

    Can you share your env dcdesktop.exe.config file?

    Varun Gupta

  • 23.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Thu August 03, 2023 12:44 PM

    Hi Varun,

    Many thanks - DCDesktop.exe.config attached.

    Kind regards,


    Shaun McDowall

  • 24.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Thu August 03, 2023 12:47 PM
      |   view attached

    Hi Varun,

    I had to make it a .docx in order to upload. You will need to remove the .docx extension in order to view.

    Many thanks,


    Shaun McDowall


    dcDesktop.exe.config.docx   4 KB 1 version

  • 25.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Thu August 03, 2023 12:57 PM

    Hi Shaun,

    Please set the below to False. Close and reopen dcdesktop again to try:

    Varun Gupta

  • 26.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Thu August 03, 2023 01:07 PM

    I found a way to completely disable the logs. Try this and observe the performance:

    Varun Gupta

  • 27.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Thu August 03, 2023 01:14 PM

    Hi Varun,

    Thanks again - 

    That has improved it to 45 seconds. I think that's probably the best we can do?


    Shaun McDowall

  • 28.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Thu August 03, 2023 01:45 PM

    Hi Shaun,

    I believe this is the root cause of more time. There are around 1200 occurrences of it in the log. At the end of the rule something is happening which is very hard to say unless I have the DCO

    Varun Gupta

  • 29.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Fri August 04, 2023 05:16 AM

    Hi Varun,

    I think you're right - I hadn't noticed previously but those entries seem to appear in every RRS Log for Datacap 9.1.9. I even noticed it in VScan.rrs for a TravelDocs batch. So I guess the question is, is it a global setting or is it application-specific? There's nothing that I can find in the DCO.

    Is it the same on your system?

    Many thanks,


    Shaun McDowall

  • 30.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Fri August 04, 2023 10:10 AM

    Hi Shaun,

    We are on 9.1.8 but I saw the same entries as well but did not see that much lag. Also I am not sure if there is a way to disable it.

    My recommendation would be to open a case with IBM at this moment.

    Varun Gupta

  • 31.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Fri August 04, 2023 10:35 AM

    Hi Varun,

    I will do that. I want to thank you and @Blue Devil for your help.


    Shaun McDowall

  • 32.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Thu September 07, 2023 12:16 PM
    Edited by K Mohan Thu September 07, 2023 12:16 PM

    Hi Shaun,

    I am curious to see if you have found the root cause of the time lag between rrRuleEnd and  nDefaultRtn entries in the log. We are experiencing something similar and wondering if IBM was able to assist you.



  • 33.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Thu September 07, 2023 12:58 PM

    Hi Mohan,

    We did raise a case with IBM who suggested that we apply iFix04 when it became available. Batch Profiler performance has improved slightly but we have noticed a big difference when running Find Details from DCDesktop.

    There is nothing specific in the Release Notes for iFix04 but if you are having performance issues in DCDesktop, it's worth getting some test results in a Test environment, then installing iFix04 and re-testing the same scenario to see if it makes a difference.

    For example, we found that Find Details with iFix03 and a test document was taking 32 seconds to execute. Find Details with iFix04 and the same test document in the same environment is taking 1.6 seconds to execute - a vast improvement!

    The customer is still carrying out testing, but initial results look positive.

    I hope this helps!

    Kind regards,


    Shaun McDowall

  • 34.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Mon September 11, 2023 10:06 AM
    Edited by K Mohan Tue September 26, 2023 10:56 AM

    That's good news. Thanks for letting me know. We will try it out.

  • 35.  RE: Batch Processing Slowness in Datacap 9.1.9 compared to Datacap 8.1

    Posted Thu August 03, 2023 01:58 PM

    As far as I know, one you logon to dcDestkop it stay logon indefinitely.   You have to logoff properly.  Or if you X out it put all the batch you are working one back to hold.


    Blue Devil