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IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual - Advance Page Representation and Navigation for Excel Mime types

By Theony Mousa posted Tue October 13, 2020 11:27 AM


IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer v5.0.8 introduces a significant improvement to the Excel rendering experience:

  • Noticeable improved 'time-to-view' first page based on advanced page prioritization


  • Performance improvement for rendering of entire excel spreadsheet in all viewing scenarios through advanced pagination algorithms


  • Standardized the pagination in the viewer to match what is seen in the Excel Print Preview mode for consistency. Users can now view excel pages in IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual as designed for printing layout.


  • Optimization logic which prevents the generation of blank pages where there is no data.


  • Advanced Navigation option for data present across multiple sheets. The sheet names of the excel document and the page numbers which belong to them are now presented in the index view as a tree structure for easy navigation.



