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Big Bets Series - Join our webcasts to watch change makers talk about how they bet big in life. Up Next: Nia Franklin

By Stephanie Wilkerson posted Tue June 29, 2021 01:47 PM


In June and July, IBM is excited to present the Big Bets series, highlighting people that drive change.  Watch as 6 participants chat with Stephanie Mehta, editor in chief of Fast Company, about how they bet big on their lives and careers. Learn from a WNBA star, oceanographer, “futuristic optimist” and more how they each took a chance to drive progress.

The series includes:

Up tomorrow is Nia Franklin discussing how she bet big to become Miss America 2019 and a successful composer and advocate for fine arts education.

We are excited for this series and look forward to seeing you there. For the more information, check out this site:

