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Blueworks Live videos, help links, and papers; how to get started or enhance your knowledge

By Stephanie Wilkerson posted Thu October 15, 2020 02:25 PM


Whether you are an experienced user wanting to expand your knowledge or a brand new user to Blueworks Live, we have a lot of resources, videos, and documents to learn about using Blueworks Live and applying methodology to your IBM process products. 

This blog aims to collect all the resources in one place.

New to Blueworks Live?

Our help documentation has all the information you need and is linked directly in the product. You can also find it here without logging in:
Help Center

IBM Blueworks Live on IBM Support TV Youtube has a collection of informative videos on how to use the product. 

Want to get in-depth?

These Redbooks are a great resource. Although some of them were written a few years ago, we still reference them quite often and the information is still relevant.

Process Discovery Best Practices 

"This paper helps the audience ramp up more quickly to a fully functional process analyst by explaining all of the features of IBM Blueworks Live™ and how best to use them.  It is intended to help business users, subject matter experts, business analysts, and business managers get started with discovering, documenting, and analyzing the processes and decisions that are key to their company’s business operations."

Discovering the Decisions within Your Business Processes
"In this paper, we explore the benefits of identifying and documenting decisions within the context of your business processes. We describe a straightforward approach for doing this by using a business process and decision discovery tool called IBM Blueworks Live™, and we apply these techniques to a fictitious example from the auto insurance industry to help you better understand the concepts."

The IBM Knowledge center for Blueworks Live contains more advanced documentation, including an FAQ and more details about security, APIs, and importing and exporting with BPMN.

For Blueworks Live admins there is an admin guide located here at the IBM Support site.

There are likely more resources than we've been able to capture.  If you know of any more, be sure to leave a comment and we can add them here!
1 comment



Wed November 25, 2020 08:34 AM
