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Use FileNet Content Manager's Role-Based Redaction to Help Your Business Comply with Privacy Laws During Covid-19

By Ted Will posted Thu July 30, 2020 02:59 PM

Privacy.pngPrivacy legislation is serious business.  It can have significant financial consequences for companies that do not strictly adhere to them or are lax in their compliance.  Ensuring compartmentalization of certain personally identifiable information (PII) and sensitive personal information (SPI) so that only those that have a need to know can be a complex undertaking.  Add to this, Covid-19 causing need for flexibility with staff doing various duties they may have not previously been doing, and the complexity of managing compliance multiplies.

Fortunately, there is a solution:  IBM's FileNet  "Role-Based Redaction" feature.  With it, you can not only maintain a single source document saving storage and management, but also you can implement different levels of redaction based on the assigned role of the person viewing the document.  Changing the person's role in the system will enable or disable the amount of information that are allowed to view, ensuring that only those with a valid need to know are seeing, for example, specific PII and/or SPI information.

See how easy this feature is to use in the video below:

