Cloud Pak for Business Automation 24.0.0 recently GA as the new “long term service release” replacing version 21.0.3. This is the long awaited release for many 21.0.3 customers as it allows them to directly upgrade from 21.0.3 to 24.0.0. The 24.0.0 release not only provide the next long term support, but many new features and enhancements customers have been waiting for. Additionally, this new release have architectural changes that will bring the 21.0.3 customers to the current Cloud Pak 3.0 architecture and the support of private catalog. These changes will significantly improve stability, day-2 operations, and reduction in footprint are just some of benefits of upgrading to 24.0.0. As part of the upgrade process, the automation script help guide customers to the ideal architecture and deployment configuration for CP4BA 24.0.0. Here are some key best practices and recommendations as part of the upgrade:
Note: Direct upgrade support for 22.0.2 will be supported in 24.0.0 IF001. More information can be found in the Knowledge Center documentation.
This blog post will walk through some of the most common upgrade paths that the customer might have. For complete list of upgrade path, please refer to the Knowledge Center documentation.
All-namespaces scope: You have an all-namespace scope deployment when all the operators (CP4BA-related operators, and CPfs operators) are resided in “openshift-operators” namespace, and CPFS operands are typically resided in ibm-common-services namespace and CP4BA operands are resided in CP4BA namespace.
Namespace-scope: This term is used whenever operators and operands are resided in the custom, user-defined namespace.
Cluster-scope: CPfs operands are shared in the entire cluster. The CPfs operands are deployed in “ibm-common-services” namespace.
Global catalog: Catalog sources are resided in “openshift-marketplace” namespace.
Private catalog: Catalog sources are resided in user-defined namespace.
High-level main upgrade steps:
- -m upgradeOperator -n <project_name>
- -m upgradeOperatorStatus -n <project_name>
- -m upgradeDeployment -n <project_name>
- -m upgradeDeploymentStatus -n <project_name>
Overall detailed upgrade flow chart: